House Rheinheim

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House Rheinheim
Creation time : Medieval
Castle type : Niederungsburg
Conservation status: Burgstall
Place: Duisburg - Rheinheim
Geographical location 51 ° 20 '28 "  N , 6 ° 41' 42.3"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 20 '28 "  N , 6 ° 41' 42.3"  E
House Rheinheim (North Rhine-Westphalia)
House Rheinheim

House Rheinheim is an Outbound , medieval lowland castle in Duisburg district Mündelheim , district Rheinheim am Rhein .


The aristocratic seat is not explicitly documented by any written source, but its existence is necessarily derived from the name of the family of the lords of Rheinheim, a sideline of the lords of Kalkum . The lords of Rheinheim, who appear in a document from 1220 to the beginning of the 15th century, were ministerials of the Gerresheim monastery . They managed the Gerresheimer estates in Rheinheim and the surrounding area.

According to Günter von Roden , historian and most recently chief city archives director in Duisburg, due to the noble quality of the family with regard to their seat, they spoke of a "castle" "which is said to have sunk one day in the floods of the Rhine." This is quite likely, since Rheinheim, which is mentioned in a document as Rinheim as early as 1072 , has lost almost all of its farms in the course of time due to floods and the ever-increasing shifting of the Rhine. In the Middle Ages in particular, the place was endangered by the Rhine current due to the lack of dikes.

Due to the lack of written evidence, it can be assumed that the aristocratic seat had already perished at the end of the 14th century, otherwise it would certainly have been reflected in the documentary evidence that was increasingly received from this point on.

Individual evidence

  1. Dietmar Ahlemann: Genealogies of selected noble and middle-class families from Huckingen and the surrounding area , in: Huckinger Heimatbuch, Volume 3, Duisburg 2015, p. 288.
  2. Theodor Joseph Lacomblet (ed.): Document book for the history of the Lower Rhine . Volume I (779-1200), Düsseldorf 1840, No. 216, p. 140 ( digitized version of the ULB Bonn ).
  3. ^ Günter von Roden: History of the city of Duisburg. The districts from the beginning. The entire city since 1905 . (= History of the City of Duisburg, Volume II), Duisburg 1974, p. 316.