Haworthia fasciata

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Haworthia fasciata
1 Haworthia fasciata - small plant in cultivation - CT.jpg

Haworthia fasciata

Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Grass trees (Xanthorrhoeaceae)
Subfamily : Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae)
Genre : Haworthia
Type : Haworthia fasciata
Scientific name
Haworthia fasciata
( Willd. ) Haw.

Haworthia fasciata is a species of the genus Haworthia in the subfamily of the Affodilla family (Asphodeloideae).


Haworthia fasciata grows stemless and sprouts. The 60 to 80 upright, inwardly curved leaves form a rosette with a diameter of up to 15 centimeters and a stature height of 18 centimeters. The leaf blade is up to 6 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. There are white warts on the underside of the leaf. The leaf surface is rough.

The simple or occasionally branched inflorescence reaches a length of up to 30 centimeters. The upside-down flower tube is curved and the tepals rolled back.

Systematics and distribution

Haworthia fasciata is common in the South African province of Eastern Cape .

The first description as Apicra fasciata by Carl Ludwig von Willdenow was published in 1811. Adrian Hardy Haworth placed the species in the genus Haworthia in 1821 .

There are numerous synonyms .



Individual evidence

  1. Carl Ludwig von Willdenow: Comments on the genus Aloë . In: Magazine for the latest discoveries in natural history . Volume 5, Berlin 1811, p. 270 ( online ).
  2. ^ Adrian Hardy Haworth: Saxifragëarum enumeratio. Accedunt revisiones plantarum succulentarum . Wood, London 1821, p. 54 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Haworthia fasciata  - Collection of images, videos and audio files