Hayalim Almonim

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Hayalim Almonim ( Hebrew חַיָּלִים אַלְמוֹנִים; German : Anonymous soldiers ) is a poem that was written by Avraham Stern and was also the unofficial hymn of the Zionist organization Irgun and later the radical Zionist Lechi .

חַיָּלִים אַלְמוֹנִים
transcription Hayalim Almonim
Title in German Anonymous soldiers
text Avraham Stern
melody Roni Bronstein
Audio files youtube.com
The poem


The poem was first published in the second edition of Hametzuda in 1932 . The poem immediately became the unofficial hymn of the Irgun, and as such it was first sung as such at the graduation ceremony for the Irgun lieutenants in Jerusalem . The poem was later sung at parades and other official occasions. The melody was composed by Avraham Stern's girlfriend and future wife Roni.

Avraham Stern originally wrote his poems in Russian , but switched to Hebrew for better odes in the 1930s . Among other things, he was inspired by the poets Mayakowski and Jessenin in his poetry texts . During his time at the Hebrew University, he used his imagination to create a picture of the Irgun, which also shaped his ideas and expectations of it. His ideas of the Irgun indicated that he had envisioned an organization among them and their members that was trained in self-sacrifice and suffering.

The poem also reflects the nationalistic and freedom-longing attitudes and desires of Avraham Stern.

Avraham Stern

song lyrics

The German version of this poem is a translation of the English version.

Hebrew text Sephardic transliteration German text
חַיָּלִים אַלְמוֹנִים הִנְנוּ, בְּלִי מַדִּים,

וּסְבִיבֵנוּ אֵימָה וְצַלְמָוֶת.

כֻּלָּנוּ גֻיַּסְנוּ לְכָל הַחַיִּים:

מִשּׁוּרָה מְשַׁחְרֵר רַק הַמָּוֶת.

Chayalim almonim hinenu, beli maddim,

Usevivenu eimah vetzalmavet.

Kullanu gyasnu lechol hachayim.

Mishurah meshachrer rak hammavet.

We are the anonymous soldiers without uniforms,

Surrounded by fear and the shadow of death.

We have all been drafted for life;

Only death will free us from these ranks.

בְּיָמִים אֲדֻמִים שֶׁל פְּרָעוֹת וְדָמִים,

בַּלֵּילוֹת הַשְׁחוֹרִים שֶׁל יֵאוּשׁ,

בֶּעָרִים, בַּכְּפָרִים אֶת דִּגְלֵנוּ נָרִים,

וְעָלָיו: הֲגָנָה וְכִבּוּש!

Beyamim adumim shel pera'ot vedamim,

Balleilot hashchorim shel ye'ush,

Be'arim, bakkefarim et diglenu narim,

Ve'alav haganah vechibbush!

On the red days of unrest and blood

On the dark nights of despair

In the towns and the villages we will raise our flags

With "Defense and Conquest" written on them.

לֹא גֻיַּסְנוֹ בַּשּׁוֹט כַּהֲמוֹן עֲבָדִים,

כְּדֵי לִשְׁפֹּךְ בַּנֵּכָר אֶת דָּמֵנוּ.

רְצוֹנֵנוּ: לִהְיוֹת לְעוֹלָם בְּנֵי-חוֹרִין!

חֲלוֹמֵנוּ: לָמוּת בְּעַד אַרְצֵנוּ!

Lo gyasno bashot kahamon avadim,

Kedei lishpoch bannechar et damenu.

Retzonenu lihyot le'olam benei-chorin!

Chalomenu lamut be'ad artzenu!

We don't get sucked in like slaves by the whip

To spill our blood in foreign lands.

Our wish: to be a free people forever!

Our dream: to die for our nation!

בְּיָמִים אֲדֻמִים שֶׁל פְּרָעוֹת וְדָמִים,

בַּלֵּילוֹת הַשְׁחוֹרִים שֶׁל יֵאוּשׁ,

בֶּעָרִים, בַּכְּפָרִים אֶת דִּגְלֵנוּ נָרִים,

וְעָלָיו: הֲגָנָה וְכִבּוּש!

Beyamim adumim shel pera'ot vedamim,

Balleilot hashchorim shel ye'ush,

Be'arim, bakkefarim et diglenu narim,

Ve'alav haganah vechibbush!

On the red days of unrest and blood

On the dark nights of despair

In the towns and the villages we will raise our flags

With "Defense and Conquest" written on them.

וּמִכָּל עֲבָרִים רִבֲבוֹת מִכְשׁוֹלִים

שָׂם גּוֹרָל אַכְזָרִי עַל דַּרְכְּנוּ;

אַךְ אֹויְבִים, מְרַגְּלִים וּבָתֵּי-אֲסוּרִים

לֹא יוּכְלוּ לַעֲצֹר בַּעֲדֵנוּ.

Umikkal avarim rivavot michsholim

Sam goral achzari al darkenu;

'Oh ovyvim, meraggelim uvattei-'asurim

Lo yuchelu la'atzor ba'adenu

From all directions, tens of thousands of obstacles

Cruel fates have shaped our ways;

But enemies, spies and prisons

Won't be able to stop us

בְּיָמִים אֲדֻמִים שֶׁל פְּרָעוֹת וְדָמִים,

בַּלֵּילוֹת הַשְׁחוֹרִים שֶׁל יֵאוּשׁ,

בֶּעָרִים, בַּכְּפָרִים אֶת דִּגְלֵנוּ נָרִים,

וְעָלָיו: הֲגָנָה וְכִבּוּש!

Beyamim adumim shel pera'ot vedamim,

Balleilot hashchorim shel ye'ush,

Be'arim, bakkefarim et diglenu narim,

Ve'alav haganah vechibbush!

On the red days of unrest and blood

On the dark nights of despair

In the towns and the villages we will raise our flags

With "Defense and Conquest" written on them.

וְאִם אֲנַחְנוּ נִפֹּל בָּרְחוֹבוֹת, בַּבָּתִּים,

וִיקַבְּרוּנוּ בַּלַּיְלָה בַּלָּאט,

בִּמְקוֹמֵנוּ יָבוֹאוּ אַלְפֵי אֲחֵרִים לִלְחֹם וְלִכְבֹּשׁ עֲדֵי עַד

Im anachnu nipol ba'rchovot, ba'batim.

Yikabrunu ba'laila balat; Bimkomeinu yavo'u alfei acheirim Lilchom ve'lichbosh adei-adanim,




When death we will meet in the house, in the street, put to rest in the quiet of the night. Our places left empty, will resound at the feet of the thousands now come to the fight!



בְּיָמִים אֲדֻמִים שֶׁל פְּרָעוֹת וְדָמִים,

בַּלֵּילוֹת הַשְׁחוֹרִים שֶׁל יֵאוּשׁ,

בֶּעָרִים, בַּכְּפָרִים אֶת דִּגְלֵנוּ נָרִים,

וְעָלָיו: הֲגָנָה וְכִבּוּש!

Beyamim adumim shel pera'ot vedamim,

Balleilot hashchorim shel ye'ush,

Be'arim, bakkefarim et diglenu narim,

Ve'alav haganah vechibbush!

On the red days of unrest and blood

On the dark nights of despair

In the towns and the villages we will raise our flags

With "Defense and Conquest" written on them.

בְּדִמְעַת-אִמָּהוֹת שַׁכֻּלּוֹת מִבָּנִים,

וּבְדַם תִּינוֹקוֹת טְהוֹרִים, כִּבְמֶלֶט נַדְבִּיק הַגּוּפוֹת לִלְבֵנִים וּבִנְיַן הַמּוֹלֶדֶת נָקִים.

Be'dim'ot imahot shkulot mi'banim

U'va'dam tinokot t'horim K'va'melet nadbik ha'gufot lil'veinim U'vinyan ha'moledet nakimmaddim,

and with the tears of mourning mothers,

And with the blood of innocent children

Like cement, we will use our bodies as building blocks

To establish the structure of the home!

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lechi Monument in the Village of Mishmar Ayalon - Israel and You. Retrieved February 3, 2018 (American English).
  2. Yosef Kister: The Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL): the story of Israel's underground movement for national liberation . P. 19
  3. ^ Colin Shindler: The Rise of the Israeli Right . P. 179
  4. Eran Kaplan, Derek J. Penslar: The Origins of Israel, 1882-1948: A Documentary History . P. 331
  5. ^ Bruce Hoffman: Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947 . February 2015, p. 33