Home of Jevrem Grujić

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Exterior view

The home of Jevrem Grujić is a cultural monument at 17 Svetogorska ulica in Belgrade . It is the first house to be designated a cultural monument since the establishment of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade in 1961. It is located right next to the "Аtelje 212" theater . Today the descendants of Jevrem Grujić, an outstanding figure in Serbian diplomacy in the 19th century, live in this house. The life and work of the Grujić family are linked to important political and social events in Serbia.


Jevrem Grujić built the one-story house at 17 Svetogorska street for his daughter Mirka, who was the maid of honor at the court of Queen Маrija Karadjordjević and president of the “ Serbian Sisters ' Circle ”. It was built in 1896 according to the project of the Serbian architect Мilan Kapetanović , who later became Minister of Construction, who had studied in Munich .

The look of the home

The villa has three historically processed facades in which the elements of the Renaissance and Baroque are evenly inserted. In its time it was a typical bourgeois house built according to the representation program. The decoration, painted by the Italian master Domenico D'Andrea, which supports the technique of graphite , makes it unique in Belgrade architecture. In terms of the interior design, the basis of the ground floor and the upper floor are identical. The salon, dining room and kitchen were on the ground floor and the bedrooms, the work cabinet, the library and the balcony with a view of the former garden were on the upper floor. The building entrance is representative, with a hall and a staircase made of white marble, with wrought iron railings and a relief composition on the wall. The rich and varied, movable from the rear 18 ., 19 . The 20th and 20th centuries consists of a wide range of art and everyday objects as well as archival building material. The arms collection from the First and Second Serbian Uprising received the golden letter of nobility with medal at the exhibition of the Balkans in London in 1907. The fund is the property of generations of the Grujić family - Teodor Herbez, Minister of Finance of Prince Miloš, Jevrem Grujić, Slavko Grujić, General Kosta Protić, Stevan Ćurčić and numerous other heirs, prominent figures in Serbia's political and cultural life. The interior is decorated with the works of the most important painters of national art: Stevan Todorović , Uroš Predić , Paja Jovanović , Djordje Krstić , Uroš Knežević , Аrsenije Petrović , Miloš Tenković and Vlah Bukovac, as well as the original pieces of furniture from different eras. In addition to the material inheritance, the home also has immaterial values. One of the sights that are kept here is Jelena Grujić's wedding dress from 1856.

The home as a witness of time

Interior decoration

A meeting took place in the house at which a secret treaty between Serbia and Bulgaria on the liberation of the southern Slovenes from "Turkish slavery" was concluded in 1912 and on the basis of which the later Balkan Alliance was concluded. After the end of the First World War , the house was home to the Belgian embassy, ​​where the first city balls and diplomatic receptions were held, and then the French social society for children's aid “Cape Mleka (A drop of milk)”. Before the Second World War , it was used to hold meetings of women's societies for the struggle against fascism , and from October 1944, during the days of the struggle for the liberation of Belgrade, it housed the partisan hospital.

Important names in Serbian politics and diplomacy, science and art were among the guests here as Jovan Cvijić , Sima Маtavulja , Jovan Skerlić , CEDA Mijatović , Bogdan Popović , Мilan Rakic , Djordje Кrstić , Stevan Todorović, Uroš Predić , Ivan Tabaković , Vukić Mićović , also members of the European noble families. Here lived Мilovan Мilovanović , the Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister of Serbia (1911-1912).

The home of Jevrem Grujić is now a memorial, witness of important political and cultural events, in which the successors preserve the cultural heritage and maintain the tradition, national identity and the avant-garde spirit of Serbian society.

Recent history

In 1967 the first Belgrade discotheque “Kod Laze Šećera” was opened in the basement of the home, named after its owner, the descendant of Jevrem and the translator, Lazar Šećerović. The preservation of family history and Serbian heritage incorporated the home of Jevrem Grujić into the associations of historical European houses in 2009. The home of Jevrem Grujić was designated a cultural asset in 1961 because of its distinctive cultural-historical and architectural values ​​and the values ​​of urban planning, and then in 1979 it was designated a cultural heritage of great importance for the Republic of Serbia.

Individual evidence

  1. jump up ↑ I. Vesković “The Home of Jevrem Grujić”, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade, Belgrade 2012. The Unique Monument to Our Culture, Politika (daily newspaper) Belgrade, April 25, 1974, Traces of the past in the faces of Belgrade people Houses. There is a museum in the home, Politika ekspres, Belgrade, June 28, 1980, The Gun Collectors. The range of weapons from the I Serbian Uprising. Politika ekspres, 27.11.1963, Z Manević, Lexicon of Serbian Architects of the XIX and XX Centuries, Belgrade 1999, B. Nestorović, The Development of Belgrade Architecture from Prince Miloš to the First World War (1815-1914), GMGB I, 1954 .
  2. jump up ↑ The Belgrade Heritage, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade, access on 10.10. 2013. http://beogradskonasledje.rs/
  3. jump up ↑ Ј. Milićević, Јеvrem Grujić, History of Liberalism of St. Andrew, Belgrade 1964, The Biography of Jevrem Grujić, Pr. Z. Petrović, Arandjelovac 2009.
  4. cf. Andreas Moritsch: Grujić, Jevrem , in: Biographical Lexicon for the History of Southeast Europe. Vol. 2. Munich 1976, p. 95 f.
  5. jump up ↑ MB Protić, The Contemporaries, Painting - Reviews and Essays II, Belgrade 1964.
  6. jump up ↑ Belgrade stories: The bride as goddess ("Večernje novosti" (evening paper) January 1, 2016)
  7. jump up ↑ Blic online, access 10.10. 2013. http://www.blic.rs/Vesti/Beograd/17592/Prva-diskoteka-otvorena-u-kuci-srpskog-ministra ; NIN, when Belgrade was the world, access 10.10.2013 http://www.nin.co.rs/2001-09/06/19635.html  ; Јеlena Kaličanin, access 10.10.2013. The home of Jevrem Grujić http://www.jelenakalicanin.com/kucastil_lazasecer.htm

Coordinates: 44 ° 48 ′ 51.1 ″  N , 20 ° 28 ′ 4.1 ″  E