Heiner Knell

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Heiner Knell (born October 9, 1937 in Darmstadt ; † November 4, 2017 ) was a German classical archaeologist .


Heiner Knell studied ancient history , art history and archeology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Saarland University . The doctorate took place in Freiburg in 1964. The topic of the dissertation was The representation of the assembly of gods in the Attic art of VI. and 5th century BC An investigation into the history of the development of the “Daseinbild” . From 1964 he was a research assistant at the chair and institute for art history in the architecture department of the TH Darmstadt. After his habilitation, he was appointed professor of classical archeology at the Technical University of Darmstadt in 1971 , where he taught until his retirement.

Knell carried out various excavations in Greece . His main areas of interest were the iconography of the Greek gods, ancient sculpture, and Greek architecture and architectural theory.

Knell was dean of the architecture department in 1971/72 and 1988-90 and vice-president of the TH Darmstadt from 1975-77 and a long-term member of the convent and senate of the university.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Heiner Knell's memorial page. Retrieved November 13, 2017 .