Heinrich Adolph (theologian)

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Heinrich Adolph (born December 13, 1885 in Watzenborn , † December 31, 1951 in Gießen ) was a German Protestant theologian and university professor.


Adolph was the son of the pastor of the same name from Watzenborn and attended grammar school in Darmstadt. He then studied theology at the universities in Gießen, Tübingen and Berlin. He received his doctorate as Dr. phil. He was also Lic. Theol. and as a repetitionist at the theological faculty of the University of Giessen and then as a parish assistant in Giessen.

After taking part in World War I and returning as a lieutenant in the reserve, Heinrich Adolph became a pastor in Herbstein . Then he went to the secondary school in Giessen as a teacher. He was appointed associate professor at the theological faculty of the University of Giessen in 1928.

In 1933 he joined the NSDAP and a little later the SA, in which he became a squad leader. In the National Socialist Teachers' Association he worked as a district work leader for the secondary schools in Giessen. Heinrich Adolph was dismissed from university in 1946 due to his proximity to the National Socialist system.

Works (selection)

  • Gustav Theodor Fechner's worldview , Stuttgart, 1923
  • Organic foundations of religion. A formal investigation , Giessen, 1924
  • Theology, Church, University , Tübingen, 1933
  • De-bourgeoisie of Protestantism? Gotha, 1936
  • Breakthrough of German. A historical show , Berlin, 1940


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jörg-Peter Jatho: Unknown facts about National Socialism at the University of Gießen , lecture on May 29, 2018 in the DGB House Gießen.