Heinrich Adolphi (Superintendent)

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Heinrich Adolphi (* 1622 in Brieg , Duchy of Brieg ; † June 5, 1686 in Mitau ) was a German-Baltic Lutheran clergyman and author.

life and work

Adolphi became a pastor in Doblen in Courland in 1650 . In 1661, Duke Jakob Kettler made him senior pastor in Mitau and, connected to this, superintendent and thus leading clergyman for the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia . He held this office until his death.

In addition to some funeral sermons, Adolphi published the first Latvian grammar and new editions of writings by Georg Mancelius , including a Latvian edition of Luther's Small Catechism and a Latvian hymn and prayer book (all 1685).

Adolphi's first marriage was to Anna Meyer, a daughter of his predecessor in Doblen, and his second marriage to Elisabeth Margarete Stender († 1702). His sons Heinrich († 1710), Jakob and Johann († 1708) also became pastors.

Fonts (selection)

  • First attempt, a short-written guide to the Latvian language. Radetzky, Mitau 1685 ( digitized version ).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Theodor Kallmeyer: The Protestant churches and preachers of Courland. 2nd edition Riga 1910, p. 209.
predecessor Office successor
Daniel Haftstein Superintendent of Courland and Semgallia
Gerhard Remling