Heinrich Amersdorffer

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Heinrich Amersdorffer (born December 10, 1905 in Berlin , † December 2, 1986 in Munich ) was a German painter , graphic artist and art teacher.


Amersdorffer was a son of Alexander Amersdorffer (1875-1946), the successor to Ludwig Justis in the office of First Permanent Secretary of the Prussian Academy of the Arts . From 1930 he worked as an art teacher in Berlin.

During the Nazi era, Amersdorffer was represented several times at the Great German Art Exhibitions of the National Socialists in the House of German Art in Munich .

During the Second World War , after the campaign in the West and the invasion of France, he worked as a “war painter” on behalf of the Wehrmacht , depicting undestroyed French cathedrals in the middle of cities ruined by bombs, as well as the “ generous protection of architectural monuments by the German troops “To propagate. A painting of Rouen Cathedral , which was exhibited in the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in 1941, was best known from this cycle . In January 1942, Amersdorffer justified himself in the journal Die Kunst für Alle : " I was privileged to be able to turn to this great task on behalf of the Wehrmacht ".

In the post-war period Amersdorffer received a teaching position at the Berlin University of Fine Arts. He was later made an honorary professor of the city of Berlin.

In 1976 he donated his collection of around 1,000 ancient Greek and Roman coins to the Berlin Collection of Antiquities . An essential condition of the donation was that the collection should remain part of the Antikensammlung forever and therefore not be part of the Berlin Coin Cabinet .


  • Heinrich Ammersdorffer: Japanese colored woodcuts from the Heinrich Amersdorffer collection. Exhibition in the Center français de Wedding , October 11-30, 1963. Berlin, Kunstamt Wedding 1963.
  • Exhibition of Heinrich Amersdorffer on the occasion of his 70th birthday, oil paintings, watercolors, drawings, etchings and other things from January 25 to March 12, 1976 in the Rathaus-Galerie Berlin-Wittenau. Berlin, Reinickendorf Art Office 1976.
  • Heinrich Amersdorffer: Antique coins from the Amersdorffer collection (picture booklet of the State Museums, Prussian Cultural Heritage 28/29). Berlin, Mann 1976. ISBN 3-7861-4111-8 .
  • Heinrich Amersdorffer: Work biography: Art and pedagogy; a life in the field of tension between improvisation and organization. Berlin, Rembrandt-Verlag 1978. ISBN 3-7925-0256-9 .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Ernst Klee : The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 15.
  2. Quote from Joachim Petsch, Painting and Sculpture in the Third Reich , printed by Ernst Klee: Das Kulturlexikon zum Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 15.
  3. ^ Quote from Ernst Klee: Das Kulturlexikon zum Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 15.