Heinrich Biesenbach

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Heinrich Biesenbach, memorial plaque on the house at Bilkerstraße 5, Düsseldorf

Heinrich Biesenbach (born August 10, 1863 in Düsseldorf ; † October 24, 1926 there ) was a German lawyer and writer .


Heinrich Biesenbach comes from a family of lawyers . He studied law and literary history at the universities in Munich and Bonn and received his doctorate from the University of Leipzig . He then practiced as a lawyer in Düsseldorf . In addition, Biesenbach wrote novels and stories on historical topics and poems .


  • Poems , Dresden 1906
  • What the father tells his children , Düsseldorf 1907
  • The city by the sea , Berlin [u. a.] 1909
  • Three Kings Game , Düsseldorf 1916
  • Mars rules the hour , M. Gladbach 1916
  • The Stiftsfräulein von Gerresheim , Düsseldorf 1919
  • The Chancellor's son , Düsseldorf 1921
  • The old house on Bilker Strasse , Düsseldorf 1922
  • Hoja Berge romeryke , Düsseldorf 1925
  • The last one from Brunnen Monastery , Meschede iW 1931

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