Heinrich Carl Ludwig von Löwenstern

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Baron Heinrich Carl Ludwig von Löwenstern (born December 5, 1783 in Kuikatz , Livonia Governorate , today Estonia , † June 1, 1843 in Reval ) was Vice- Governor of the Estonia Governorate .


He came from the noble family of the Barons von Löwenstern and was the son of the Livonian landowner, court judge and Sachsenweimar privy councilor Baron Paul Ludwig Johann von Löwenstern (1752-1824) at Brinckenhof, Sontack, Kuikatz, Wahlenhof, Groß-Köppo and Alt-Laitzen (Livonia) and his wife Christina Friedrike née von Gersdorff from the Schottenäs family (1761–1847).


Löwenstern's parents, the father had already started his studies at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in 1771, were attracted to the Weimar Classic in the 1790s and moved to Weimar from 1797-1802 . Here the mother kept a salon in which Duke Karl August von Sachsen-Weimar and the singer Karoline Jagemann frequented, while the father commuted between his business in the Baltic States and Weimar. Ludwig and his brother therefore attended the Wilhelm-Ernst-Gymnasium Weimar, which was very respected at the time . After attending school, he became a junker in the Guard in Saint Petersburg and entered the diplomatic service of the Russian Empire in 1800. From 1801 to 1810 he worked at the Russian legation at the Paris court, initially as a translator and from 1808 as a councilor. From 1810 back in St. Petersburg he turned to the Russian financial administration and worked in the treasury, auditing and auditing as well as the office of the Ministry of Finance.

He was then transferred to Estonia and was from 1816 to 1842 Lieutenant Governor of Estonia and twelve times civil governor . In 1820 he became a member of the Russian State Council and in 1826 he was appointed Real State Council, which was connected with the award of the Order of Saint Anne, 1st class.

Since 1814 he was married to Anna, born von Vietinghoff-Scheel (1795-1832).


  • Ruth B. Emde (ed.): Self-productions in classic Weimar: Caroline Jagemann. Commented in collaboration with Achim von Heygendorff. Göttingen: Wallstein 2004 ISBN 3-89244-743-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment in Göttingen on October 8, 1771
  2. Karoline Jagemann: The memories of Karoline Jagemann along with numerous unpublished documents from Goethe's time. Dresden 1926, pp. 101-107, 109-115, 117-127, 129-131. zeno.org