Heinrich Donalies

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Heinrich Donalies (* 1820 ; † 1886 ) was a German judge in Prussia.


Donalies studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In 1838 he became active with Wilhelm Jordan in the Corps Littuania . After the exams he entered the administration of justice in Prussia . As a higher regional court assessor at the court of appeal in Insterburg , he came to the regional and city court of Angerburg . After a year as a chamber judge, he became vice-president of the court of appeal in Racibórz in 1867 . In the same function he was at the Court of Appeal in Breslau in 1875/76 . After a year as Vice-President of the Higher Regional Court in Breslau , he was appointed President of the Senate at the Superior Court in Berlin in 1880 . He died in office at the age of 66.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 88/150
  2. [1]
  3. https://digital-beta.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/werkansicht?PPN=PPN747115583&PHYSID=PHYS_0222&view=fulltext-endless
  4. https://quellen-sozialpolitik-kaiserreich.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Gesamtregister/QS-Gesamt-Personenregister.pdf
  5. a b Prussian Protocols (BBAW)