Heinrich Hartung I.

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Heinrich Hartung I (* around 1785; † 1849 ) was a German cabinet maker and painter. He came to Koblenz around 1808 from Irlich near Neuwied (today to Neuwied) . He is considered the founder of the Koblenz artist dynasty Hartung ( Heinrich Hartung II. , Johann Hartung , Heinrich Hartung III. And Heinrich Hartung IV. ). Two of his artistically gifted sons became painters and sculptors: Heinrich Hartung II and Johann Hartung (* 1821). Even after 200 years, both hold a high artistic reputation.


  • Wolfgang Schütz: Koblenz heads - life descriptions of people in the city's history . Heinrich Hartung II. 1st edition. Publishing house for advertising papers, Mühlheim – Kärlich 2002, p. 164 f . , there also some comments about Heinrich Hartung I, the cabinet maker from Irlich near Neuwied who settled in Koblenz around 1808.

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