Heinrich II. (Stade)

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Heinrich II. (* Around 1102; † 1128 ) was as Heinrich IV. Count of Stade and as Heinrich II. Margrave of the Nordmark (1115–1128).


Heinrich was a son of Lothar Udo III. von Stade, Margrave of Nordmark, and Irmengard von Plötzkau .

In 1106 his uncle Rudolf became the new margrave after the death of his father, probably in place of Heinrich, who was still a minor. In 1115 this replaced him.

Heinrich was mentioned in 1123 when he stood against the Duke of Saxony . He died in 1128.


Heinrich was married to Adelheid von Ballenstedt, daughter of the Ascanian Otto , Count von Ballenstedt, called "the Rich", and sister of Albrecht the Bear , who rose to become Margrave of Brandenburg and Duke of Saxony. There were no offspring from the marriage.
