Heinrich Köhler (cellist)

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Heinrich Köhler (born July 1, 1914 in Berlin ; † February 2017 there ) was a German cellist and watercolor painter .


Despite the difficult circumstances after the First World War , Heinrich Köhler received piano lessons and later switched to the cello.

After graduating from the Albrecht-Dürer-Oberrealschule, he began studying graphics at the Berlin School of Applied Arts. There he met his future wife Gerda Wolter (* 1913, † 2013), whom he married in 1939. From 1932 to 1936 he did an apprenticeship as a chemigrapher at the Chemigraphische Anstalt Dr. Selle - Eisler with subsequent employment.

Köhler completed a degree in watercolor technology as well as a degree at the University of Music in Berlin. Later he used the tours of the then RSO (Radio Synfonie Orchester), which first started as the RIAS Synfonie Orchester and is known today as the German Symphony Orchestra Berlin (DSO). From 1949 to the mid-1970s he was the first cellist. Here he was also the orchestra director until his retirement.

His artistic career was interrupted by the Second World War, which he spent as a soldier on the Eastern Front and survived physically unharmed. In a war report he recorded his experiences in a drastic and pointed manner and illustrated them with small watercolor drawings.

Shortly after returning home in 1945, he got his first job as a cellist at the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra . He later worked with many musical greats, including the conductors Ferenc Fricsay and Lorin Maazel .

His interest in painting was Impressionism , the musical model was Johann Sebastian Bach ; He tried to combine both in his watercolors. On his many trips to Northern Europe (Norway, Greenland), the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands, especially Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, he created an extensive work of over 400 watercolors.

Köhler was married and last lived in Berlin-Nikolassee.


  • Kunstverein Schering, House of Radio “Musicians paint”, Dresdner Bank Kunstverein.
  • Exhibition on the occasion of the 90th birthday in 2004 in Bad Reichenhall.
  • 2005 Lüneburg Culture Forum.
  • 2006 2nd exhibition in Bad Reichenhall
  • 2014 “Life Travel” - landscape watercolors on the occasion of his 100th birthday in Berlin

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