Heinrich Comp

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Heinrich Komp (born May 1, 1765 in Fulda ; † February 14, 1846 ibid) was a German Roman Catholic theologian and clergyman .


Komp was born on May 1, 1765 in Fulda and after completing his theological studies he became a teacher at the high school in his hometown. He later became Subregens at the Fulda seminary and professor at the University of Fulda . From 1803 he was Regens of the seminary and from 1803 until its dissolution in 1805 rector of the university. In 1829 he was appointed cathedral capital.

He died in 1846 at the very old age of 81 and was revered for his piety and erudition. His tombstone is in the old town cemetery in Fulda.

Heinrich Komp was an uncle and godfather of Heinrich Fidelis Müller and uncle of the later Fulda Bishop Georg Ignaz Komp .

Individual evidence

  1. Bonifatiusbote : Heilig-Geist-Pfarrer in old and new times , No. 41, September 12, 1958
  2. ^ Paul Lang: Heinrich Fidelis Müller , Imhof, 2005, p. 117
  3. ^ Paul Lang: Heinrich Fidelis Müller , Imhof, 2005, pp. 13 and 31