Heinrich Leopold Stiehler

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Heinrich Leopold Stiehler , pseudonym: Leupold H. Leupold , (born November 28, 1829 in Dresden ; † May 10, 1913 there ) was a German educator, writer and editor.


He was born on the Scheunenhöfe in the Scheunenhofviertel in the Leipzig suburb of Dresden. After attending school and studying, Stiehler, who came from the Saxon residence city of Dresden, worked as a teacher in his hometown from 1850. In 1863 he was promoted to senior teacher at the daughter's school for women's protection in Dresden-Antonstadt.

In his spare time he wrote several short stories, some of which were published in print. He gained particular fame through his city guide of Dresden, its museums and its surroundings, which Meinhold published in several editions from 1865 on. Under a pseudonym he wrote the two-volume hiking book through Saxony and the neighboring countries , published in Dresden in 1860 or 1861 . A local customer and a counselor for happy hikers .

His voluminous volume The Kingdom of Saxony in Historical and Geographic Pictures , which was published in Schleswig in 1870 , was also widely used as a textbook for Protestant primary schools in Northern Germany .

In addition, Heinrich Leopold Stiehler edited eleven volumes of the magazine Die Kinderlaube between 1863 and 1874 . Illustrated monthly books for the German youth , which appeared in Dresden.

At an advanced age he dealt intensively with Friedrich Schiller and published a new biography about him in 1902.

Fonts (selection)

  • Animal stories from the old and the new world , Dresden, 1859.
  • German stars. Pictures to enliven the patriotic sense of German youth presented , first volume, Dresden, undated [around 1860]
  • Hiking book through Saxony and the neighboring countries. A home history as well as a counselor for happy hikers , 2nd volumes, Dresden, undated [around 1860/61].
  • Meinhold's guide through Dresden, its museums and its surroundings 1–10. Ed., Dresden, 1865–1874.
  • Grandfather's chat , 3rd edition, Dresden, 1862.
  • At the end of the day , 2 volumes, Dresden, 1856.
  • Field Marshal Blücher and the German War of Liberation. Commemorative letter to the great days of the survey 50 years ago , Dresden, 1863.
  • The Christmas tree. Selected short stories for the more mature youth , Dresden, 1869.
  • The Kingdom of Saxony in historical and geographical pictures. (Fatherland reader for the Protestant primary schools in Northern Germany by Keck and Johannsen.) Schleswig, 1870.
  • Schiller's life and work , Dresden 1902.


  • Wilhelm Haan : Saxon writer's lexicon. Alphabetical compilation of the scholars, writers and artists currently living in the Kingdom of Saxony, along with short biographical notes and evidence of their writings published in print , Leipzig, Robert Schaefer's Verlag, 1875, p. 331.

Individual evidence

  1. Death register StA Dresden III, No. 433/1913
  2. Both years are given in the literature.
  3. ^ Entry in the literature directory on Ernst Rietschel