Heinrich Maria Hunger

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Heinrich Maria Hunger (born January 10, 1907 in St. Valentin , † 1994 in Vienna ) was an Austrian painter .


Hunger grew up in Krems an der Donau and had been based in Vienna, Dornbach-Neuwaldegg since 1953. After completing his vocational training, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna , professor Josef Dobrowsky's master class . He worked in the field of landscape painting in the style of romantic naturalism . He discovered his love for pastel painting with a French painter in Toulon during the Second World War in 1943.

Hundreds of paintings of beautiful landscapes in the Wachau , the Waldviertel , the Burgenland and other federal states come from Hunger . Hunger also dealt with contemporary trends. During his numerous art trips to other European countries and to Morocco, he created other works. Hunger had numerous exhibitions of his works in Austria.

His pictures were purchased by the Lower Austrian State Museum, the City of Vienna's Cultural Office, Austrian Tobacco Works, Austrian State Printing, Federal Ministry for Education and Art, and employee pension insurance. He was a member of the professional association of visual artists in Austria.



  • Heinrich Fuchs: The Austrian painters of the 20th century . Volume 2, Vienna 1986