Heinz Ballensiefen

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Heinz Ballensiefen (born October 24, 1912 in Rauxel ; † after 1952) was a German historian and National Socialist functionary, employed to research the " Jewish question ".

Ballensiefen initially worked for the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question and was an adviser on the production of the anti-Semitic film Der Ewige Jude . From 1940, the year he joined the SS , he was at the Reich Security Main Office in the Department for Research into Judaism of the SD , which was later given the designation VII B 1b. He wrote the information reports on the Jewish question with the aim of simplifying the registration and murder of Jews. In March 1941 he took part in the opening of the Institute for Research into the Jewish Question by Alfred Rosenberg in Frankfurt am Main. In Hungary, which had been occupied since March 1944, he supported Zoltán Bosnyák in setting up the Hungarian Institute for Research on the Jewish Question ( Magyar Zsidókérdés Kutató Intézet ) and was editor of the Harc magazine , an anti-Semitic newspaper similar to Der Stürmer . From 1943 he had the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer . At the beginning of April 1944 he took part as a speaker at the working conference of the Jewish consultants and so-called " Aryanization consultants " in Krummhübel ; His remarks were not sent to the participants because of their explosive nature in relation to the murder of Jews, especially in Hungary.

After the end of the war , Ballensiefen's writings Jews in France ( Nordland-Verlag , Berlin 1941) and The Anglo-American Rivalry in Palestine ( Welt-Dienst-Verlag , Frankfurt a. M. 1944) were placed on the list of literature to be segregated in the Soviet occupation zone .

From 1952 Ballensiefen was the editor of the company newspapers at the technical works in Stuttgart .


Web links

  • Author: Ballensiefen Jews in France. Nordland, Berlin 1939 (scan in Gothic script; other file formats are possible)

Individual evidence

  1. Randolph L. Braham : The politics of genocide. The Holocaust in Hungary . Columbia University Press, New York 1981, p. 388.
  2. see Art. Krummhübel for the record.
  3. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit-b.html .