Nordland publishing house

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The Nordland-Verlag was in the time of National Socialism , the publisher of the SS , based in Magdeburg and Berlin (once as a publication: Dittersbach in Pirna ).


There were several versions of the Nordland publisher's signet, all showing a longboat.

The publishing house was founded by Frithjof Fischer in Düsseldorf in the autumn of 1933 , mainly to publish folk propaganda. It was about the supposed racial superiority of "Nordic peoples" and the cultural superiority of the Germanic peoples. In June 1934, Fischer moved the company headquarters to Magdeburg.

After Hitler came to power , the SS became an independent commercial enterprise. Fischer's Nordland-Verlag was the first company to be acquired by the SS in December 1934. Nordland-Verlag was supposed to spread the National Socialist ideas of the SS in books and writings.

Frithjof Fischer was initially allowed to remain managing director, the SS also temporarily appointed SS-Obersturmbannführer Bruno Galke as the second managing director, replaced by SS man Arthur Ahrens from February 11, 1935 to July 12, 1938 . After Fischer fell out of favor with the National Socialists in autumn 1936 and was imprisoned by the Gestapo , Galke took over his position. However, Fischer remained an author; his writings were published until the end of the war.

Already since the winter of 1935/36 there had been close cooperation with the Research Association of German Ahnenerbe , which in 1938 resulted in a merger with the Ahnenerbe Stiftung Verlag . On July 12, 1938, the company's headquarters were relocated from Magdeburg to Berlin. From 1938 SS man Alfred Mischke was managing director and editor-in-chief. In the first half of 1939, Ahnenerbe Stiftung Verlag separated from Nordland-Verlag . In 1940 the shares were transferred to the Deutsche Wirtschaftsbetriebe (DWB).

As an "economic enterprise" of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), the publishing house was directly subordinate to Oswald Pohl from 1939 and had the legal form of a GmbH .

The Nordland-Verlag was the third-largest German book publisher in the Second World War. In the years of its existence, Nordland-Verlag published around 200 books and writings, mainly anti-Semitic , anti- Masonic and anti-Christian political-propagandistic literature.

In total, works by around 160 different authors have been published by Nordland-Verlag. Including:

Publishing activities

The fountain

Between 1933 and 1936, Fischer published the magazine Der Brunnen every six months . For a German character - the first edition appeared on August 15, 1933, shortly before the publishing house was founded. The magazine was an organ of openly tendentious reporting and propaganda and was one of the magazines of the German faith movement . In 1934, the magazine was banned for one month in Saxony “because of highly inflammatory articles directed against the Catholic Church in particular ” and for three months by the Upper President of the Rhine Province “because of malicious contempt for the Christian churches” .

North country

The second magazine appeared from 1933 to 1941, the magazine Nordland , until 1938 with the subtitle Kampfblatt der Völkische Aktion , from 1939 as a battle paper for God-believing Germans . This magazine was also one of the magazines of the German Faith Movement. The historian Michael H. Kater described the magazine as a decidedly ideological fighting paper, which would remind of the striker Julius Streichers in its tasteless inserts, its rampant polemics and its repulsive ideological crudity , only that it was predominantly anti-clerical. An anti-Christian treatise by the then press officer of the Hitler Youth , August Hoppe , led to the magazine being banned for one month in August 1934. In December 1935, at Heinrich Himmler's behest , members of the German Ahnenerbe Research Foundation were obliged to collaborate on the journal. In October 1936 the magazine was taken over entirely from the Ahnenerbe , Frithjof Fischer was deposed and replaced by Joseph Otto Plassmann .

Nordland Library

From 1939 the Nordland library was added, a series that was published until 1944. In the years 1942 and 1943, the Nordland library published well over two million copies of anti-Christian and German-believing writings. The distribution of some of the publisher's anti-Christian books was banned by the Wehrmacht .

In the Nordland library, the series from 'Zeitgeschehen' of Großdeutscher Rundfunk was published . The August 1941 edition, for example, appeared with war-inciting radio broadcasts from a “Peter Aldag” (“Our opponents and their war”). The publisher's logo varied over the years, but always showed a Viking ship.


  • Walter Naasner (Hrsg.): SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung - The SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt and the economic ventures under its supervision , Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 1998, publications of the Federal Archives: 45a, ISBN 3-7700-1603-3 .
  • Hermann Kaienburg, Die Wirtschaft der SS , Metropol 2003

Single receipts

  1. ^ Hermann Kaienburg, Die Wirtschaft der SS , Metropol 2003, p. 186
  2. Jan Erik Schulte : Forced Labor and Destruction: the Economic Empire of the SS: Oswald Pohl and the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt 1933-1945 , F. Schöningh, Paderborn 2001, p. 93. ISBN 978-3-506-78245-8
  3. ^ Kaienburg: Die Wirtschaft der SS , p. 187
  4. ^ Walter Naasner, SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung , Schriften Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Droste Verlag 1998, p. 178
  5. ^ Kaienburg: Die Wirtschaft der SS , p. 188
  6. ^ Naasner: SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung , p. 178
  7. ^ Schulte, forced labor and destruction , p. 148
  8. ^ Enno Georg, The economic ventures of the SS , Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 1963, p. 15
  9. a b August Brecher, Church press under Nazi dictatorship , Einhard Verlag 1988, p. 41
  10. Situation report of the Upper President of the Province of Saxony for September 1934 of October 9, 1934 In: Hermann-Josef Rupieper, Alexander Sperk, The situation reports of the Secret State Police for the Province of Saxony 1933 to 1936: District Erfurt , Mitteldeutscher Verlag 2006, p. 110
  11. Report in the magazine Junge Kirche , Volume 2 1934, p. 76
  12. ^ Dieter Albrecht, The Exchange of Notes and the Demarches of Nuncio Orsenigo 1933-1945 , Matthias Grünewald Verlag 1980, p. 49
  13. Michael H. Kater, Das Ahnenerbe der SS 1935-1945: A contribution to the cultural policy of the Third Reich , Oldenbourg 2006, pp. 106f
  14. ^ Heinz Brunotte, Confession and Church Constitution , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1946, pp. 87f