Helen Tibbetts

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Helen "Kelly" Tibbetts (born February 17, 1925 in Alhambra , California , † December 30, 1997 in Los Angeles ) was an American badminton player .


Helen Tibbetts, née Helen Noble, won the US open championships in mixed with Wynn Rogers in 1952 . It wasn't until 16 years later that she was successful again at the US Open, where she won the women's doubles competition with Tyna Barinaga . In 1971 she won the US individual championships in mixed with Don Paup .

Sporting successes

season event discipline space Surname
1952 US Open Mixed 1 Wynn Rogers / Helen Tibbetts
1968 US Open Ladies doubles 1 Tyna Barinaga / Helen Tibbetts
1969 US Open Mixed 2 Don Paup / Helen Tibbetts
1971 USA: Individual Championships Mixed 1 Don Paup / Helen Tibbetts
1971 US Open Mixed 2 Don Paup / Helen Tibbetts


  • Paul Soderberg, Helen Washington (Eds.): The big book of Halls of Fame in the United States and Canada - Sports. Bowker, New York, 1977
  • badminton.usoc.org ( Memento from June 18, 2009 in the Internet Archive )

Individual evidence

  1. Entry at findagrave.com. Retrieved October 25, 2018 .