Helene Thalmann antennas

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Helene Thalmann-Antenen (born March 28, 1906 in Biel ; † March 21, 1976 in Bern ) was a Swiss lawyer ( advocate ), publicist and women's rights activist .

life and work

Helene Antenen was the daughter of Fritz Antenen, a science teacher at the Biel Gymnasium, and Martha Haenni, a secondary school teacher. After studying in Bern , she received her doctorate in 1929 on the duty to provide support to relatives under Ernst Blumenstein and Theodor Guhl . In the same year she passed the advocacy exam. In the crisis of the 1930s, she found it difficult to find a suitable, permanent job as a woman. In addition to caring for her seriously ill mother, she worked a.o. a. in the law firm of Councilor of States Paul Charmillot in Saint-Imier and in the law firm Arthur Schneider in Bern . After her marriage to Walter Thalmann, the birth of a son and her husband's move to Bern for work, Helene Thalann-Antenen experienced a divorce . She decided to practice again and opened an independent law firm in a shared office with advocate Albertine Haenni-Wyss.

Work and commitment

She vigorously represented labor law and women's political interests , not least thanks to her own experience . She became the advocate for women. Thalmann-Antenen took over the legal advice of the Bernese Women's Association , was a member of the legal commission of the BSF , the working group women and democracy and was u. a. 1959–1962 President of the Swiss Association of Women Academics . She presided over its commissions for the legal and economic position of women in the Swiss SVA and in the international association IFUW. Helene Thalmann-Antenen presided over the Swiss Association for Social Policy and was a member of the federal commission of experts for general labor law, for the revision of service contract law and accident insurance .

Thalmann-Antenen wrote reports and brochures on labor law, maternity insurance , the position of Swiss women and women's rights to vote and vote . She wrote on behalf of the Swiss UNESCO Commission and the Swiss Association for Social Policy as well as for the international labor congress in Stockholm.


In 1971 she received the Ida Somazzi Prize from the Swiss Working Group on Women and Democracy. In 1974 she was honored with the Adelaide Ristori Prize of the Centro Culturale Italiano.

Writings, estate

  • Thalmann-Antenen Helene 1906–1976, in: Gosteli-Stiftung Worblaufen, archive on the history of the Swiss women's movement
  • Thalmann-Antenen Helene 1906–1976, in: Document collection of the University of Basel - UB Economy - SWA
  • The duty to support relatives in public poor relief. Diss. Jur. Bern. Bern 1929.
  • Seven letters on women's suffrage. Bern 1942.
  • Does the Swiss woman have a political mission? Bern 1943.
  • The general binding force of collective agreements. Zurich 1944
  • For guidance on women's voting rights, ed. v. Switzerland. Association for women's suffrage, Bern-Bümpliz: 1945
  • What do we mean by democracy? [Sl]: [sn], 1948.
  • The situation de la femme universitaire en Suisse [Sl]: [sn], 1950
  • Women's suffrage as a thought and as an act, [Sl]: [sn], 1957
  • The legal, social and moral position of women. In: Switzerland / NHG, 29 (1958).
  • The position of women in Swiss family and inheritance law. Zurich 1958
  • Are Swiss women legally worse off than women from other countries? [Winterthur]: (Schweizer Frauenblatt), 1958
  • General overview of the development of the position of women since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [Sl]: 1968.
  • Woman and profession. Report of the Swiss Association for Social Policy for the attention of the Congress of the International Association for Social Progress, 1970 [Bern]: [sn], 1969.
  • The same wages for the same work, an inventory in Switzerland. In: Wirtschaftsrevue, 13 (1972), No. 1/2.
  • The institution of social justice, in particular the jurisdiction in the field of labor law and social security, Zurich 1973.
  • The institution of social justice, especially jurisdiction in the field of labor law and social security, Zurich 1974
  • The position of women in compulsory accident insurance in: Swiss Journal for Social Insurance, 1974/249
  • Some thoughts on the position of women in occupational old-age, disability and survivors' pensions, in: Swiss Journal for Social Insurance, 1975/55
  • The position of women in Swiss social insurance Old-age and survivors' insurance, disability insurance, health insurance, compulsory accident insurance, occupational benefits. Bern: Swiss Association of Women Academics, 1975.
  • Helene Thalmann antennas, curriculum, mach. [Sl]: [sn].
  • G [erda] St [ocker] -M [eyer], Helene Thalmann, in: Schweizer Frauenblatt August 7, 1969.
  • Jaccard Madeleine, Helene Thalmann, in: Schweizer Frauenblatt June 12, 1970.
  • Wehrli-Knobel B., Helene Thalmann, in: Schweizer Frauenblatt August 21, 1970.
  • Wildhaber-Creux S. Helene Thalmann-Antenen 70 years old, in: Swiss Association of Women Academics, Bulletin No. 1, February 1976.
  • Arnold Sylvia, On the death of Helene Thalmann-Antenen, in NZZ 27./28. March 1976.

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