Helga Moser

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Helga Moser (born October 30, 1944 in Feldsberg , Czechoslovakia ) is a former Austrian politician of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ). She was a member of the Upper Austrian state parliament, Austrian federal councilor and councilor for the city of Linz .

education and profession

After attending compulsory school , she trained as a kindergarten teacher and after-school teacher and then worked from 1962 to 1968 as a private educator in Leutstetten / Bavaria and Genoa / Italy or as a kindergarten teacher for the City of Linz . She began teaching at the Federal Institute for Kindergarten Education in 1974 and trained as a special kindergarten teacher from 1989 to 1991.

Political career

Helga Moser was a member of the Linz City Council from 1991 to 1997 and a member of the Austrian Federal Council from July 1996 to October 1997 . As a Member of Parliament in the Upper Austrian provincial parliament was on 31 October 1997 sworn in and was henceforth involved in the following committees: Committee on Transport Affairs, Social Committee, Committee on Education, Youth and Sport, Committee on Women's Affairs, immunity and incompatibility Committee, Committee on Petitions and legal adjustments.

In 2009 she ended her political career after the XXVI state parliament and retired.


Helga Moser is the mother of one son. Since her retirement she has dedicated herself to social projects, especially in Ukraine. In 2010 she founded a German-speaking kindergarten in Lemberg (Lviv) / Western Ukraine and trained kindergarten teachers on site.

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