Hen 2-131

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Planetary Nebula
Hen 2-131
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 15h 37m 11.181s
declination -71 ° 54 ′ 52.85 ″
Angular expansion 6.3 "x 4.9"
Central star
designation HD 138403 
Physical data
distance 2,200 pc 
Catalog names
 PK  315-13 1 • PN G315.1-13.0 •  ESO  68-8 • Hen 2-131

Hen 2-131 is a planetary nebula recorded by Karl Gordon Henize . Henize references an observation by Andrew David Thackeray , who noticed the special spectrum and the nebula around the central star HD 138403.

The nebula is around 2,200 parsecs away, expanding at 11.5 km / s and its central star has a temperature of 34,000 Kelvin . The central star varies in brightness in a cycle of several hours by 0.1 to 0.15 mag due to a fluctuating stellar wind; it resembles the planetary nebulae IC 418 , IC 4593 and Hen 2-138 .


  1. ^ Simbad Database
  2. a b A. D. Thackeray: Some southern stars involved in nebulosity , bibcode : 1950MNRAS.110..524T
  3. ^ Karl G. Henize: Observations of Southern Planetary Nebulae , bibcode : 1967ApJS ... 14..125H
  4. Raghvendra Sahai, John T. Trauger: Multipolar Bubbles and Jets in Low-Excitation Planetary Nebulae: Toward a New Understanding of the Formation and Shaping of Planetary Nebulae , bibcode : 1998AJ .... 116.1357S
  5. RG Hutton, RH Mendez: The central stars of He 2-131 and He 2-138 - Photometric variations , bibcode : 1993A & A ... 267L ... 8H