Hockley Brook

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Hockley Brook
The Hockley Brook (right) shortly before its confluence with the Tame on the Gravelly Hill Interchange (in the background)

The Hockley Brook (right) shortly before its confluence with the Tame on the Gravelly Hill Interchange (in the background)

location West Midlands , England
River system Humber
Drain over River Tame  → River Trent  → Humber  → North Sea
source on the border of Smethwick and Birmingham
52 ° 29 ′ 57 ″  N , 1 ° 56 ′ 51 ″  W
muzzle at the Gravelly Hill Interchange in the River Tame Coordinates: 52 ° 30 '30 "  N , 1 ° 51' 34"  W 52 ° 30 '30 "  N , 1 ° 51' 34"  W.

Big cities Smethwick , Birmingham

The Hockley Brook is a small river in Birmingham , England . The river has its source in Smethwick on the outskirts of Birmingham and formerly formed the border between Warwickshire (with Birmingham) and Staffordshire (with Smethwick). The river flows underground for long stretches before flowing into the River Tame at the Gravelly Hill Interchange on the M6 motorway .