Hendrik Vuye

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Hendrik Vuye (born January 22, 1962 in Ronse ) is a Belgian legal scholar and politician . Vuye is professor of constitutional law at various Belgian universities. He started out in politics as a consultant for the Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA) on constitutional issues. On the occasion of the federal elections on May 25, 2014, he was elected to the federal Chamber of Deputies for the same party . After a falling out with the party leadership, Vuye left the N-VA on September 21, 2016 and has been an independent MP since then.


Hendrik Vuye was born in Ronse, a parish with language facilities . After graduating from a college in Geraardsbergen , he studied law , criminology and philosophy at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), where he received his doctorate in law in 1993. At the University of Leuven he also met his future wife Sophie Stijns, now a university professor for contract law.

Vuye initially worked as a lawyer in Leuven from 1990 to 1997. Since 1993 he has been teaching constitutional law at the French-speaking University of Namur (UNamur). From 1996 to 2008 Hendrik Vuye also lectured at the University of Antwerp (UA) and from 2007 to 2009 at the University of Hasselt (UHasselt). At the same time he wrote regular columns for several Flemish daily newspapers.

Vuye got his start in politics in 2010 when he took part in the negotiations on the Belgian state reform between the Flemish Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA) under the leadership of Bart De Wever and the francophone Parti Socialiste (PS) with its chairman Elio Di Rupo participated as the N-VA's expert on constitutional issues. The fact that Vuye, on the one hand, advised the Flemish nationalist party, which openly campaigns for Flanders' independence , and, on the other hand, teaches constitutional law at a French-speaking university, earned him some fierce criticism from the francophone media and other university professors. Vuye contradicted the reviews, pointing out that he continues to be very popular with his students. Voices also rose on the Francophone side to reject the criticism of Vuye with reference to the right to freedom of expression and academic freedom .

In the federal elections on May 25, 2014 , Hendrik Vuye moved into the Chamber of Deputies for the N-VA. There he initially took on the role of chairman of the N-VA parliamentary group in the chamber, before being replaced by Peter De Roover (N-VA) in January 2016 . At the same time, the party commissioned Hendrik Vuye and Veerle Wouters (N-VA) under the name Objectief V to set up their own think tank to deal with considerations on the independence of Flanders.

After party chairman De Wever suggested in September 2016 that the N-VA could possibly join a government after the federal elections in 2019 without insisting on further concessions of autonomy for Flanders, Vuye and Wouters criticized this stance and threatened to leave the party. In response, the N-VA decided to expel the two MPs from the party's governing bodies. After a mediation failed, Vuye and Wouters finally resigned from the N-VA on September 21 and have since sat as independent MPs under the name V-Kamerliden in the Chamber.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lesoir.be: Un professeur de Namur consulté par la N-VA (August 20, 2010) (French); Lesoir.be: Prof d'unif et conseiller politique? (August 25, 2010) (French); Knack.be: Le Soir jaagt op Vuye (23 August 2010) (Dutch); Levif.be: Hendrik Vuye, un "Dreyfus" à la flamande? (February 1, 2013) (French).
  2. Lesoir.be: Un prof de l'université de Namur à la N-VA: “Difficile à comprendre” (February 7, 2014) (French); Lalibre.be: Hendrik Vuye à la N-VA: asile aux étudiants namurois (February 11, 2014) (French).
  3. DeMorgen.be: 'Walenhater' Hendrik Vuye is the most popular professor in Wallonië (March 23, 2012) (Dutch).
  4. ^ Nieuwsblad.be: 'Vlaming-bashen tegen professor Vuye is onvergeeflijk' (April 2, 2012) (Dutch); Lalibre.be: "Professeur Uyttendaele, voici pourquoi vous n'avez pas de leçon à donner" (February 13, 2014) (French).
  5. Standaard.be: De Roover nieuwe fractieleider N-VA (January 21, 2016) (Dutch).
  6. DeMorgen.be: Vuye en Wouters (N-VA) waarschuwen: "Naar de kiezer zonder het communautaire? Dan zijn we weg" (September 17, 2016) (Dutch).
  7. Standaard.be: Vuye en Wouters stappen uit N-VA (September 21, 2016) (Dutch).