Henning Gerdes

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Henning Gerdes (* 1591 ; † 1663 in Greifswald ) was a German lawyer and mayor of Greifswald.


Henning Gerdes was a son of the Neubrandenburg council relative Johann Gerdes and Anna Oeverdijk. Gerdes enrolled in the matriculation of the University of Rostock in 1612. The doctor of law was a lawyer at the Princely Pomeranian and later the Royal Swedish Court Court . He became the syndic of Greifswald and was mayor of the city from 1647 to 1663, which he also represented as district administrator .

In 1646 he belonged with Joachim Kuno von Owstin and Berendt von Tessin, the director of the Pomeranian court court, to a delegation of the Pomeranian estates, which demanded the preservation of the court in Stockholm to the preservation of the court to the Reichskammergericht or an equivalent substitute. In 1653 he took part in the opening ceremony of the Wismar tribunal .

Henning Gerdes was married to Margareta Krauss († 1630) for the first time. Their son Johannes Gerdes (1624–1673) was a theologian and orientalist. His second marriage was with Elisabeth Mevius, sister of the lawyer David Mevius . The lawyer Friedrich Gerdes (1634–1695) came from the marriage .


  • Gabriel Anrep: Svenska adelns Ättar-taflor. Volume 1. Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm 1858, p. 698 ( Google books ).

Individual evidence

  1. After Gabriel Anrep : Svenska adelns Ättar-taflor. Vol. 1, p. 698, Henning Gerdes lived from 1602 to 1673.
  2. See the entry of Henning Gerdes' matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. Klaus Pretor: The mayors of Greifswald. Retrieved April 11, 2012 .
  4. ^ Nils Jörn (comment): Description of the Actus Introductionis des Königl. High Tribunals in Wissmar. In: Nils Jörn, Bernhard Diestelkamp, ​​Kjell Å Modéer (eds.): Integration through law. The Wismar Tribunal (1653-1806). Böhlau, Köln, Weimar 2003, ISBN 978-3-412-18203-8 , pp. 11-12, footnote 32 ( Google books )
  5. ^ Uwe Kiel: The Tribunal and Higher Appeal Court from an urban perspective. The example of Greifswald before and after the court was moved. In: Dirk Alvermann, Jürgen Regge (Ed.): Justitia in Pommern . LIT Verlag, Berlin-Hamburg-Münster 2004, ISBN 3-8258-8218-7 , p. 43 ( Google books ).