Henning Mandüvel

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Henning Mandüvel († after 1395) came from the Mecklenburg noble family of Manteuffel, who lived in Stargard , and was a leader of the Vitalienbrüder .


His activity as a captain or captain of pirates is u. a. detectable in front of the Finnish bay. He often appears together with Arnd Stuke , e.g. B. in the occupation of Gotland and is referred to as one of the leaders of the Brothers of Vitality.

In 1392, the master of the Teutonic Order of Livonia , Wennemar von Brüggenei , described him in his letter to the procurator of the order of Rome as one of the leaders who marched with 1,500 men against the diocese of Reval . Wennemar von Brüggenei further writes about the Vitalienbrüder:

“Their number keeps increasing. Because they are said to have made it public that all evildoers, refugees and exiles, could safely come to them to get lost in their cities, castles and places. "

- Wennemar von Bruggenei, 1392

Towards the end of the 14th century, in 1395, he sailed with part of the fleet into the Gulf of Finland and plundered along previously unknown shores and coastal stretches. One of their hiding spots later developed from this, but it was wiped out by the Hanseatic League in 1402.

Together with Arnd Stuke , he turned Visby into a pirate's nest, behind whose city walls they believed they were safe. Like many other pirates , Mandüvel was punished by knights of the Teutonic Order for his deeds with death by hanging.


  • Friedrich Georg von Bunge (Ed.): Liv-, Esth- and Curländisches Urkundenbuch and Regesten , 3rd volume, Reval 1857.
  • Wolfgang Menzel: General world history from the beginning until now: in twelve volumes. , Volume 6 1863.
  • The border messengers, magazine for politics and literature: Mecklenburg letters, our nobility. , 21st year, 2nd semester, Volume IV, Leipzig 1862.
  • Neue Lübeckische Blätter , article: German pirates in the Middle Ages. , 22nd year, 1856.
  • Reinhold Cramer: History of the Lande Lauenburg and Bütow , Volume 1, Königsberg 1858.
  • Hans Chr. Cordsen: Contributions to the history of the Vitalienbrüder , in: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology, seventy-third year, Schwerin 1908
  • Fritz Teichmann: The position and policy of the Hanseatic seaside towns towards the Vitalienbrüders in the Nordic throne confusion 1389-1400. 1931.
  • Johannes salmon, Friedrich Karl Raif: Rostock. VEB Hinstorff Verlag (ed.), 1965.
  • Birgitta Eimer: Gotland under the Teutonic Order and the Commandery Sweden to Arsta. Universitätsverlag Wagner (Ed.), 1966.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Oelgarte: The rule of the Mecklenburgers in Sweden. 1903