Henri-Marie Husson

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Henri-Marie Husson

Henri-Marie Husson (born May 25, 1772 in Reims , † April 11, 1853 in Paris ) was a French doctor and vaccination pioneer.

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Husson's father was assistant to the king's first surgeon in Reims. The son first attended the Collège de Laon in Paris, and from 1783 the Collège Louis-le-Grand on a scholarship . He then studied surgery under Desault and became an assistant surgeon ("chirurgien sous-aide", from 1793 "chirurgien aide-major") in the French army in Belgium and Holland. In 1794 he quit his job and studied medicine at the newly established "Ecole de santé" in Paris. Here he received his medical doctorate in 1799 and was employed as an assistant librarian.

The Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt , who returned from exile in England after the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire , carried out the smallpox vaccination based on the English model in France in 1800 together with the director of the Paris “ Ecole de santé ”, Michel-Augustin Thouret (1749-1810) a. To this end, they founded a “comité de vaccine”, which included Jean-Nicolas Corvisart , Philippe Pinel , Jean Noël Hallé and François Chaussier (1746–1828). Henri-Marie Husson was appointed secretary of this committee. a. was to review and document the effectiveness of the smallpox vaccination. 1804 was transferred to the "comité central de vaccine" by the Minister of the Interior Jean-Antoine Chaptal Hussons secretary function. In 1806 Husson became a doctor in the Hôtel-Dieu , in 1809 a doctor in the Lycée impérial .


  • Essai sur une nouvelle doctrine des tempéraments . Thèse Paris 1799
  • Recueil de mémoires, d'observations et d'expériences sur l'inoculation de la vaccine . Magimel, Paris 1801 (digitized version)
  • Research historiques et médicales sur la vaccine . Gabon, Paris 1801 2nd edition, Paris 1801 (digitized version) 3rd edition, Paris 1803 (digitized version)
  • Traité des membranes en general et de diverse membranes en particulier . Richard, Paris 2nd edition 1802 (digitized version) New edition Paris 1816 (digitized version)
  • Report du comité central de vaccine, établi à Paris par la société des souscripteurs pour l'examen de cette découverte . (Author of the text: HM Husson). Richard, Paris 1803 (digitized version)
  • Charles Poyen St. Sauveur (translator). Report on the magnetic experiments made by the commission of the royal academy of medecine, of Paris, read in the meetings of June 21 and 28 1831, by Mr. Husson . Hitchcock, Boston 1836 (digitized)

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