Henri Bernard Beer

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Henri Bernard Beer (born April 7, 1909 in Amsterdam , † 1994 ) was a Dutch inventor with no academic training or academic degrees (except hc ).

Beer worked at various research laboratories in Belgium, Germany, England and the Netherlands. From 1980 Beer worked as Managing Director of the Science & Research Society in Essen (Belgium) . Beer applied for his first patent as early as 1925, and there are now more than 700 in which he is an inventor or co-inventor. Henri Beer's area of ​​interest was widespread and encompassed technologies and processes for energy transmission , batteries , agricultural engineering and electrochemical systems. Of these, around 400 patents deal with the production of magnetic materials ( ferrites ) by electrochemical co-precipitation. The good suitability of titanium as an electrode material and the development of the platinum- coated titanium electrode and its use in chlor-alkali electrolysis was the subject of his work.

Individual evidence

  1. Stambomen van Nederlands Joodse families
  2. Brevetto CN101434430A - Micro-current electrolysis sterilization algae removing apparatus
  3. ^ Winfried R. Pötsch, Annelore Fischer and Wolfgang Müller with the collaboration of Heinz Cassebaum : Lexicon of important chemists . Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1988, pp. 116–117, ISBN 3-323-00185-0 .