Henri Mouton

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Henri Julien Désiré Mouton (born September 5, 1869 in Cambrai , North Department , † June 13, 1935 in Bezons , Val-d'Oise department ) was a French biologist and chemist.


Mouton began his studies at the École normal supérieure in 1889 and received his doctorate in 1902 with a dissertation on digestion in amoeba to docteur ès sciences. He was a biologist at the Pasteur Institute and from 1917 maître de conférences at the Faculté des Sciences in Paris . In 1927 he became a professor of physical chemistry there .

His most important work in 1907 was the discovery of the Cotton-Mouton effect in collaboration with Aimé Auguste Cotton (1869–1951). Mouton also translated four works by Jacques Loeb from English into French.


  • Research on the digestion chez les amibes et sur leur diastase intracellulaire . Charaire, Sceaux 1902. At the same time dissertation no. 1106 at the Faculté des Sciences, Paris 1902.
  • (with AA Cotton): Les Ultramicroscopes et les objets ultramicroscopiques . Masson, Paris 1906.
  • (with AA Cotton): Nouvelle propriété optique (biréfringence magnétique) de certains liquides organiques non colloïdaux . In: Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences Paris, No. 145, 1907, pp. 229-231.
  • (with AA Cotton): Sur la biréfringence magnétique des liquides organiques. In: Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences Paris ,. No. 145, 1907, pp. 870-872.
  • (with AA Cotton): Sur la biréfringence magnétique des liquides purs, comparaison avec le phénomène électro-optique de Kerr . J. Phys. Theor. Appl. 1 (1911), pp. 5-52.


  • Jacques Loeb: La conception mécanique de la vie . Félix Alcan, Paris 1914 (English: The Mechanistic Conception of Life: Biological Essays (1912) . Translated by Henri Mouton).
  • Jacques Loeb: Les Protéines . Paris 1924 (English: Proteins and the Theory of Colloidal Behavior (1922) . Translated by Henri Mouton).
  • Jacques Loeb: La théorie des phénomènes colloïdaux . Félix Alcan, Paris 1925.
  • Jacques Loeb: Les Bases physico-chimiques de la régénération . Gauthier-Villars et Cie, Paris 1926 (English: Regeneration from a Physico-Chemical Viewpoint (1924) . Translated by Henri Mouton).


  • C. Charle, E. Telkes: Les professeurs de la faculté des sciences de Paris. Dictionnaire biographique 1901–1939 . INRP, Paris 1989, ISBN 2-222-04336-0 .

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