Henry Slade

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Henry Slade

Henry Slade (* 1836 in the USA ; † 1905 in Belding , Michigan , USA) was an American con artist and charlatan who pretended to be able to come into contact with spirits (deceased) in séances . As proof, he had messages from the deceased appear on previously examined, unscripted slates. In 1876 at the latest, his trickery was exposed by magicians .


Henry Slade, who grew up in the USA, became particularly famous in Europe in the 1870s. He pretended to be a medium that could establish contact with the “fourth dimension”. To this end, he organized séances in which he showed a blank (school) slate and then held it firmly under a table top. After a while the board was taken out and there was handwritten text on the side of the board that was held against the underside of the tabletop.

Slade attracted particular attention when the astrophysicist Karl Friedrich Zöllner certified it to be absolutely authentic after a séance held in 1877. Zöllner wrote several reports on this experience in 1878/79 and put forward the hypothesis that spiritual beings from the fourth dimension brought about this phenomenon.

However, Slade was exposed as a cheater as early as 1876 by the English magician John Nevil Maskelyne .

Maskelyne recognized Slade's methods and reproduced them in educational presentations. In this way he proved that the writing on the blackboard was written by Slade himself with the help of a piece of chalk attached to a thimble.

The magician Chung Ling Soo also exposed Slade's technique of ghost writing.

After Slade's death it was found that he was a, quote: " Hermaphrodite " .


  • The Truth about Dr. Slade , in The Magician, Will Goldston, Vol. 1 Nov 1905, 139
  • Henry Slade and the fourth Dimension , Peter Lamont, Genii, vol. 72, no. 6, June 2009, page 22 ff
  • Sixty Years of Psychical Research , Joseph F. Rinn, Verlag Truth Seeker Co. 1950, page 12 ff.
  • The medium Henry Slade , Magie (Organ des MZVD ), issue 3, March 1966, 46th year, Carl Graf von Klinckowström , Meyerink and Willi Faster, page 68
  • The medium Henry Slade , Magie, Heft 4, April 1966, 46th year, Carl Graf von Klinkowstroem, Meyerink and Willi Faster, page 95 ff.
  • Same Game, different Personnel in: The Magic of Uri Geller , James Randi , Verlag Ballantine Books, 1975, page 265 ff
  • Willmann, John, Trading with the Wonderful, Edition Volker Huber , page 20ff, ISBN 3-921785-73-1
  • Inside the Medium's Cabinet , Dunninger, Joseph , Verlag David Kemp and Co. 1935, page 212 ff
  • Pankratz, Loren, in Gibecière, Vol. 3, No. 2, Conjuring Arts Research Center, page 123 ff, ISSN  1558-8149
  • Revealing the Bizarre Powers of Harry Houdini , An Expose by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Global Communications, 2010
  • Magical World , Volume 4, 1997, Volume 46, Page 321 ff.
  • Willmann, Carl , Die Zauberwelt , 7th year, issue 7, July 1901, page 112

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Corinna Treitel: A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 2004
  2. Adventures in Magic, Henry Ridgely Evans, Verlag Leo Rullmann, 1927, page 70
  3. Hours with the Ghosts, Henry Ridgely Evans, Verlag Laird & Lee, 1897, page 46 ff.
  4. ^ Spirit Slate Writing, 1998
  5. ^ Wiley, Barry H., The Indescribabel Phenomenon: The Life and Mysteries of Anna Eva Fay, Hermetic Press, 2005, p. 80
  6. ^ Burger, Eugene, Spirit Theater, Verlag Kaufman & Greenberg, 1986, page 59