Henry Willock

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Sir Henry Willock KLS ( 1790 - August 17, 1858 ) was a British diplomat .


Henry Willock went to the Madras Cavallery in British India in 1804 . He learned Farsi , became interpreter and commander of the personal security of Harford Jones , the ambassador to Persia. Under Gore Ouseley he became the embassy secretary. From 1815 to 1826 he was Charge D 'Affaires of the British Government and agent of the Honorable British East India Company at the Qajar court.

From 1821 to 1823 a war between the Ottoman and Persian Empires took place in Dogubeyazit . The returning soldiers brought cholera and Willoch left his post as chargé d'affaires in 1823.

He was decorated with the Order of the Sun and the Lion . In 1827 he was promoted to a Knight Bachelor degree and retired in 1834 . In 1730 his son Henry Dundas Willock was born. In 1835 he became director of the British East India Company and remained so until the end of his life or until the EIC was nationalized after the Sepoy uprising . From 1846 to 1847 he was chairman of the British East India Company .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dhiman Barua, William B. Greenough, Cholera p. 8
  2. ^ Dictionary of Indian Biography , p. 453
  3. ^ Sir Henry Willock was elected a Director of the East India Company. He was Chairman in 1846-7, [1]
predecessor Office successor
James Justinian Morier British ambassador to Tehran
Henry Willock
Henry Willock British ambassador to Tehran
John Macdonald Kinneir
John Forbes Director of the British East India Company
Ross Donnelly Mangles