Herbert Burkarth

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Herbert Burkarth (born February 13, 1924 in Veringenstadt ; † October 24, 2006 in Gammertingen ) was a German doctor and homeland researcher .

Born as the son of Dr. med. Erwin Burkarth (1892–1970) and Else Burkarth, b. Reckert (1901–1986) Herbert Burkarth grew up in Gammertingen from 1928 after Erwin Burkarth took over his father's medical practice here, where the family had been based since the 16th century. After attending primary school in Gammertingen, Herbert Burkarth moved to the state high school in Sigmaringen in 1934 and from there to the Jesuit college in St. Blasien in 1936 . After the dissertation of the college by the Nazi government, he again attended the “Oberschule für Jungs” in Sigmaringen from 1938, where he passed the secondary school diploma in 1941 and in September went to Schweidnitz as a medical officer candidate for the Air Forcewas convened in Lower Silesia. In April 1942 he was transferred to the Medical Academy of the Air Force in Berlin to study medicine with assignment to front-line missions and courses during the semester break.

After two semesters at the University of Würzburg and Physikum in February 1944, Burkarth completed a clinical semester in Berlin until July 1944 and was then assigned to the 1st Parachute Division (Wehrmacht) in Italy. From October 1944 to February 1947 Burkarth was a British prisoner of war in southern Italy, most recently in Taranto. From the summer of 1947 he worked in the Fürst-Carl-Landeskrankenhaus in Sigmaringen . In the summer semester of 1948 he received a place at the University of Tübingen . 1951-52, he passed the state examination and was in 1952 with a medical history work Frederik Ruysch Dr. med. PhD. 1952 to 1955 assistant positions followed in Sigmaringen, Schwenningen a. N. and Ehingen (Danube). In 1955, Burkarth took over his father's practice in Gammertingen and worked as a family doctor in Gammertingen, Neufra, Bronnen, Mägerkingen, Hausen a. L., Hettingen, Hermentingen, Kettenacker, Feldhausen and Harthausen b. F. active, also from 1963 to 1991 home doctor in the district retirement home Gammertingen and in the Mariaberg remedial institution .

In addition to the medical profession, his interests were in the history of art, especially the ancient world, which was reflected in numerous trips to Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, etc. Above all, however, Burkarth devoted himself with numerous contributions to the Hohenzollern history. Since 1955 he was a member of the Hohenzollern History Association , was elected to the board of the association in 1968 and was editor of the Hohenzollerische Heimat from 1970 to 2002 . In 2001 Burkarth was awarded the home medal of the state of Baden-Württemberg ; In 2004 he was made an honorary citizen of the city of Gammertingen.

Since 1948 he was a member of the Catholic student association AV Guestfalia Tübingen .

Publications (selection)

  • History of the Gammertingen-Hettingen rule . Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1983, ISBN 3-7995-4062-8
  • 800 years of Kettenacker. On the history of a Alb community . Gammertingen 1986.
  • The revolution of 1948/49 in the Oberamtsstadt Gammertingen . Gammertingen 1998.


  • Edwin Erich Weber: Dr. Herbert Burkarth became an honorary citizen of his hometown Gammertingen . In: Hohenzollerische Heimat 54 (2004), pp. 30–32.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation Fredrik Ruysch 1638-1731, a forerunner of Joh. Bapt. Morning . Tübingen 1952.
  2. Complete directory of the CV. 1991, V-234.