Herbert Heidel

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Herbert Heidel (born October 11, 1932 in Sörgenloch ) is a German local politician ( CDU ).


After attending elementary school, the son of a master blacksmith completed an apprenticeship in motor vehicle craft and an apprenticeship as a businessman, which he supplemented with training in operations management. Heidel has three sons, including football official Christian Heidel .

After joining the Christian Democratic Union, his political career reached its first climax in 1968, when he was elected treasurer of the CDU district executive, a position he held for many years. From 1969 to 1995 he was mayor of the city of Mainz and, as a full-time department head, was responsible for the areas of planning, construction and sports. The southern bypass and the Mombacher Erdal-Kreisel were built during Heidel's time as building department head . The Kisselberg industrial area in Mainz-Gonsenheim was developed and the Hechtsheim industrial area expanded. In 1993 the Bruchweg Stadium was upgraded according to DFB requirements. In addition to school renovations, new sports facilities were built in Mainz-Ebersheim and Hechtsheim. The laying of the foundation stone for the new building of the “Small House” of the Mainz State Theater with around 500 seats fell during his term of office.

The Lee Barracks conversion project began in the early 1990s , and from 1993 the former officers' building at Gonsenheimer Canisiusstraße 27–31 was converted into a student dormitory of the Mainz Student Union with around 220 rooms. With the closure of the Lee Barracks, housing areas of the United States Army also became vacant, such as the Martin Luther King Village and the Sandflora Housing Area. Together with the area of ​​the former Army Depot “ MIP Mainz Industries Panzerwerke ”, it is the largest contiguous conversion area in Mainz that has been realized. Plans for a completely new Mainz-Layenhof district in Mainz were discussed, but remained a vision.

As a longstanding spokesman for the “Board of Trustees for the Promotion of a Jewish Community Center in Mainz”, Herbert Heidel successfully campaigned for the construction of a new synagogue in Mainz . The new building was built on the site of the old main synagogue after other solutions such as the expansion of the provisions office had previously been rejected.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jan Christian Müller: The Eternal Mainzer in: Berliner Zeitung; Retrieved October 15, 2012
  2. Bernd Funke: A lot done, a lot achieved: The former building department head Herbert Heidel turns 80 in: Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz from October 11, 2012
  3. Helmut Wirth: His passion - building and designing: Herbert Heidel, as mayor and building department head, played a decisive role in shaping the new cityscape for over a decade; Farewell from office. - In: Mainz: Quarterly issues for culture, politics, economics, history. 15th year 1995/4, pp. 18-22
  4. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung : Proviantamt remains the preferred location Synagogue in Mainz: So far no investor has been found for renovation / new building too expensive , August 21, 1997, No. 193, p. 44