Herman Boone

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Herman Boone

Herman Boone (* 28. October 1935 in Rocky Mount , North Carolina ; † 18th December 2019 ) was an American American football poker players and - coach at TC Williams High School .


Herman Boone was the son of an African American farmer and a Cherokee Indian. In 1954 he graduated from North Carolina Central University (NCCU) and later successfully coached high school American football teams in Virginia and North Carolina . In 1971 two high schools in Alexandria were merged for financial reasons . With the desegregation at the newly formed TC Williams High School , the football teams were also merged. Herman Boone was transferred to the post of head coach for political reasons, which led to tensions with white coach Bill Yoast (1924-2019), who had to stand behind Boone. The athletes also initially refused to cooperate. Regardless of skin color and with iron discipline , Boone led his team to success and became a role model nationwide. The incident and the integration of the football team were the subject of the US film " Against All Rule " with Denzel Washington .

Herman Boone lived in Alexandria with his wife, Carol, and the marriage resulted in three daughters, Sharron, Donna and Monica. He had a deep friendship with Bill Yoast until his death in May 2019.

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