Hermann von Mohrenschild

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Hermann von Mohrenschild (born February 13, 1860 in Soinitz , Estonia, † July 7, 1928 in Reval ) was a German-Baltic Majoratsherr and politician.


Mohrenschild attended the knight and cathedral school in Reval . He then studied agriculture in Halle , where he was a member of the Corps Guestphalia from 1879 . After his father's death he had to interrupt his studies in order to be the only son to take over the Soinitz and Lewer ( Leevre ) estates . In 1882 he married Elisabeth von Wetter-Rosenthal. Mohrenschild held several honorary functions in the church and state administration, including as a district deputy. In 1910 he was elected district administrator, the highest post of self-government in the Baltic States.

After the German defeat in World War I , Mohrenschild had to flee to Germany and stayed in Stettin for two years . In the land reform of 1919 by the Republic of Estonia , his property was expropriated without compensation. In 1921 he returned to Estonia to take over his former properties on lease. He had to give up both in 1921 and in May 1923 and were parceled out. From 1923 Mohrenschild lived permanently in Germany and settled in Potsdam. He died in 1928 while visiting relatives in Reval.


  • Corps report of Guestphalia Hall No. 56 (May 1929), pp. 27-29