Hernández Camacho night monkey

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Hernández Camacho night monkey
Subordination : Dry- nosed primates (Haplorrhini)
Partial order : Monkey (anthropoidea)
without rank: New World Monkey (Platyrrhini)
Family : Aotidae
Genre : Night monkey ( Aotus )
Type : Hernández Camacho night monkey
Scientific name
Aotus jorgehernandezi
Defler & Bueno , 2007

The Hernández Camacho night monkey ( Aotus jorgehernandezi ) is a species of primate from the group of night monkeys (Aotidae). The species was first described in 2007 , the name honoring the Colombian naturalist Jorge Hernández-Camacho.

So far, only one specimen of this species is known, a female that differs from all other representatives of the night monkey in its karyotype . Like all night monkeys, the Hernández-Camacho night monkey is a relatively small primate with large, brown eyes surrounded by fields of white. There is a wide, black stripe between the eyes. The thick, white fur on the inside of the arms is striking. However, the type specimen could no longer be found when searching again.

The specimen was found in human captivity in the Colombian department of Quindío . Its exact place of origin is not known, it is said to come from the Parque de los Nevados in the border area between Quindío and Risaralda . This area is currently included in the range of the Panama night monkey , which occurs in Panama and western Colombia. It is possible that part of this area will be occupied by the new species, but this can only be clarified through further investigations.

Nothing is known about the way of life of the newly discovered species. Due to the lack of clarity about the area of ​​distribution, no information can be given about the degree of risk. The IUCN lists the species under “too little data available” ( data deficient ).


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