Herta Rennebaum

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Herta Rennebaum (born July 1, 1902 in Wegeleben near Halberstadt , † March 5, 1996 in Halberstadt ) was a German piano teacher and pianist .



Herta Rennebaum was born as the daughter of the doctor Franz Rennebaum († 1928 in Halberstadt) and his wife Elise Auguste Amalie, b. Lenz (born January 27, 1864 in Gerbstedt , † January 14, 1938 in Halberstadt) was born in the town of Wegeleben near Halberstadt.

Her cousin Wolfgang Lenz, son of the pediatrician Wilhelm Lenz (born December 12, 1862 in Gerbstedt - a brother of Herta Rennebaum's mother - was a general practitioner in Halberstadt with great musicality. For decades he was a member and director of the Halberstadt music and oratorio association of the doctors and nurses choir of the Halberstadt Polyclinic.


In 1904 the family moved from the small rural town of Wegeleben to the nearby economically and culturally prosperous Halberstadt. The father opened his practice as a general practitioner, surgeon and obstetrician in a prime downtown location on Breitenweg. In 1917 the family and doctor's office moved to Kaiserstraße (destroyed in the bombing on April 8, 1945 ). With the opening of the city ​​theater, built to designs by the Berlin architect Bernhard Sehring, on September 30, 1905, the father Franz Rennebaum took over the office of theater doctor. The friendship of the Rennebaum and Lenz doctors' families with the surgeon and gall bladder specialist Hans Kehr , an enthusiastic Wagnerian, initiator and patron of the Halberstadt Wagner Festival , sparked interest in Richard Wagner's musical dramas and the encounter with the Bayreuth star cast , who performed at Kehr's home and in the city theater.

Herta Rennebaum received her pianistic training in Berlin from Richard Rössler ( Berlin University of Music ), who also emerged as a composer, and from the piano reformer Rudolf Maria Breithaupt ( Stern'sches Konservatorium Berlin).

In 1925, Herta Rennebaum settled in Halberstadt as a "state-certified music teacher" and began teaching as a piano teacher for a good six decades. At the same time she appeared as a piano soloist, gave piano recitals and chamber music evenings, made music with the Halberstadt Collegium musicum, which Kurt Klamroth founded in 1928, accompanied choral symphonic performances by the Halberstadt Music and Oratorio Association and gave concerts with the Halberstadt Municipal Orchestra as well as pianists Wilhelm Kempff and Walter Gieseking , Elly Ney and Wilhelm Backhaus .

Herta Rennebaum took an active part in Halberstadt's cultural life. She cultivated numerous artistic contacts and friendships, for example with Hans Auenmüller , with the music teacher and conductor Rolf Reinhart Loose and his youth string orchestra in Halberstadt, as well as with the music teacher and artistic director of the international chamber music series “Hour of Music”  Hans-Ulrich Sauer .

On December 3, 1990, the Grotrian Steinweg grand piano donated by Herta Rennebaum was handed over to the city of Halberstadt in the festival hall of the Dompropstei , making an excellent concert instrument available to the international chamber music series "Hour of Music".


In 1995, Herta Rennebaum was honored with the Halberstadt City Culture Prize for her life's work as an artist and music teacher. In 1996 she was made an honorary member of the Halberstädter Kammermusikverein eV.


(without claim of completeness)

  • Ingeborg Peukert (1929-2004), pianist, university lecturer, Berlin University of the Arts (HdK)
  • Giselher Schuschke (1935–2008), physician, university professor, Medical University / Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
  • Rolf-Reinhart Loose (1938–1998), music teacher, choir and orchestra leader in Halberstadt and the surrounding area
  • Anke Lautenbach (1960–2012), singer, lecturer


  • Rüdiger Pfeiffer, One Hundred Years of Orchestra of the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater: From the beginnings to the end of the Second World War . In: One Hundred Years of Orchestra of the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater , ed. from the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater, Halberstadt and Quedlinburg 2019, pp. 40, 44.
  • Rüdiger Pfeiffer, music in the field of tension between artistic utopia and cultural-political doctrine . In: One Hundred Years of Orchestra of the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater , loc. Cit., Pp. 55, 80.
  • Rüdiger Pfeiffer, Halberstadt , the city of music and theater . In: Rüdiger Pfeiffer (Ed.), Against the Grain. The youth string orchestra Halberstadt. A youth orchestra in the GDR (= writings on the cultural history of Central Germany; Vol. 2), Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2015, pp. 37, 39, 58.
  • Rüdiger Pfeiffer, Herta Rennebaum - A fixed date in the Halberstadt music calendar : In: Rüdiger Pfeiffer (ed.), Gegen den Strich , op. Cit., Pp. 160-163.
  • Hannelore Sischka, A Life for Music: Dedication to Herta Rennebaum . In: Festschrift 40 years of music in Halberstadt, ed. from Halberstädter Kammermusikverein eV, Halberstadt 2009, p. 40f.
  • Rüdiger Pfeiffer, On Halberstädter Musikleben from the turn of the century to the end of World War II . In: Nordharzer Jahrbuch , Vol. 18/19 (= Publications of the City Museum Halberstadt 26), Halberstadt 1995, p. 195.

Individual evidence

  1. Via FamilySearch
  2. ibid.
  3. Verifiable until 1914, see: New Theater = Almanach. Theater history year = and addresses = book, ed. from the Cooperative of German Stage Members, 25th year, Berlin 1914, p. 461.
  4. Population register (address book and city book) of Halberstadt and Wehrstedt 1926/27, 26th year, Halberstadt 1926, p. 155.
  5. The grand piano is now in the Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium Halberstadt, the former Kaiserin-Auguste-Victoria-Lyzeum and Oberlyzeum, a school with a long tradition for music, which Herta Rennebaum also attended as a student.