Hessian Theater Academy

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Logo of the Hessian Theater Academy
Logo of the Hessian Theater Academy

The Hessische Theaterakademie (HTA) is a study and production association of the state universities in Hesse participating in theater training, the Hessian state and city theaters as well as theaters from Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. The aim is to promote interdisciplinary cooperation between the practical and theoretical courses involved, as well as between training and professional theater. The HTA is a joint establishment of institutions of the State of Hesse and is financed with funds from the Ministry of Science and Art.


The HTA strengthens interdisciplinary cooperation between its various courses, the interaction between theoretical and practical course content and the cooperation between the training areas and professional theater companies. Diverse cross connections between the partners should open up new opportunities for students to prepare for the complexity of an artistic professional field.

For example, students of applied theater studies at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen work together with students of contemporary and classical dance at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts , students in the stage design class at the Offenbach am Main University of Design and dramaturgy students from Johann- Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main cooperate with directing and acting students. New master’s courses in dramaturgy, choreography and performance, contemporary dance education and theater and orchestra management were established. Final productions at the theaters provide the first professional opportunities for the performance of theater and music theater projects and performances. In the form of symposia and summer courses, the academy forms a center of further education for stage professionals in the artistic, technical and organizational fields. The Hessische Theaterakademie is co-founder of the Frankfurt LAB and offers its students there in close cooperation with the Ensemble Modern , the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company and the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm space for the development of new artistic formats and aesthetics.

Organizational form

The organs of the Hessian Theater Academy are the board of directors and the president.


The members of the board are the directors of the universities participating in the theater academy and directors of the theaters participating in the Hessian theater academy.

The board of directors elects a president from the group of professors for a term of office of six years and from the group of directors a vice-president for a term of office for the duration of his or her service contract.

The Board of Directors coordinates the content and organization of the joint theoretical and practical courses at the participating universities and theaters in good time before the start of the financial year. It meets if necessary, but at least once per academic year. It is convened by the President. It decides on an economic plan for each year.

If a professorship is to be filled at a university in areas that are involved in the Hessian Theater Academy, a board member from the other universities is involved in the commissions in an advisory capacity.


The President conducts day-to-day business, administers the funds and bears financial responsibility. He or she represents the Hessian Theater Academy externally with sole power of representation.

The founding president was the Austrian director, actor and university professor Hans Hollmann . From 2006 to 2017, Heiner Goebbels, one of the protagonists of the contemporary music and theater scene, was chairman of the training and production network of the Hessian Theater Academy. Since 2017, Ingo Diehl has for the first time been a representative of the dance division as President of the Hessian Theater Academy. The vice-president is Karsten Wiegand, director of the Darmstadt State Theater .

Involved partners



Since January 1, 2020, a three-year model project has also been associated with three contexts from Hesse's free scenes with the HTA:

  • ID_Frankfurt e. V., Frankfurt am Main
  • studioNAXOS e. V., Frankfurt am Main
  • Theater next to the tower (TNT) Marburg

Web links