Hieronymus Lochmatter

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Hieronymus Lochmatter (born March 3, 1916 in St. Niklaus , † 1993 in Brig-Glis ) was a Swiss conductor and composer . He is the composer of the famous Walliser March .


Hieronymus Lochmatter was a grandson of Maria Lochmatter, born in 1820, who was the eldest sister of Josef Marie Lochmatter . In 1945 Hieronymus Lochmatter married Maria Anna Brägger von Kirchberg . The couple ran the Hotel Monte Rosa in St. Niklaus Dorf from 1960. The family moved to Brig-Glis .


Hieronymus Lochmatter was a conductor a. a. of the Edelweiss Music Society in St. Niklaus VS and from 1962 to 1977 the Brunegghorn Music Society in Herbriggen .


Hieronymus Lochmatter composed a. a. in 1968 the Walliser March (also: March of the Gebrigsinfanterieregiment 18 ( Geb Inf Rgt 18 , today Gebirgsinfanteriebrigade 9 ( Geb Inf Br 9 ))) and in 1972 the Aletsch March . The Valais March was a success in Switzerland and was acquired by a Dutch music agency. Even today it is played quite often, such as at the 82nd Oberwalliser Musikfest in 2017.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walliser Jahrbuch , Volume 82, Rotten Verlag, Visp 2013, page 24.
  2. ^ J. Ruppen and V. Summermatter: Family statistics . 1975, p. 302.
  3. ^ Walliser March in the WorldCat library catalog , accessed on October 18, 2017.
  4. Geb Inf Rgt 18 is definitely history. In: Urner Wochenblatt, August 29, 2003, accessed on October 19, 2017.
  5. ^ Aletsch March in the WorldCat library catalog , accessed on October 18, 2017.
  6. ^ Walliser Marsch , Molenaar Edition BV, Wormerveer
  7. ^ Walliser Marsch extract from the score on sheetmusicplus.com