Hilda Flavia Nakabuye

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Hilda Flavia Nakabuye (* 1997 or 1998 ) is a Ugandan civil rights activist. She is considered one of the leading figures in the environmental movement in Africa.

Live and act

Nakabuye comes from Wakiso , a district of Kampala , where she was able to determine the various damage to biodiversity early on . In her parents' house - her mother is a stylist, her father a logistician - the environmental problem was hardly discussed, not even in school or in the newspapers. She received a scholarship to study logistics and procurement at Kampala International University .

Her involvement began in 2017 after she attended a conference of the Green Climate Campaign Africa , because she realized that all of this damage can be attributed to the climate crisis . She wrote about this moment: "At the same time I felt bad, but I also decided to play a key role in finding a solution".

She soon organized an environmental initiative to remove litter from the shores of Lake Victoria . Nakabuye then transmitted the student protests of the Fridays for Future movement to Kampala to call on politicians to declare a climate emergency . About her conversations with politicians such as President Yoweri Museveni , she reports: “It is difficult to talk to politicians about the climate because they only care about development, but not sustainable development.” She also reports: “Convincing of people is not always easy, especially those who earn money by doing activities that are not particularly environmentally friendly. ”Nakabuye has now appeared at international conferences, such as the C40 meeting in 2019.

Indeed, Uganda is particularly affected by the consequences of the climate crisis. The country suffers from " rising temperatures that are drying up plantations and massive deforestation to produce coal that is drying up the land," as Nakabuye describes it. With a deforestation rate of 1.8% per year, Ugandan forests are disappearing at a worrying rate, according to the United Nations. There are also fatalities from landslides in many years.

In 2019 she was also one of the three protagonists in the documentary Prayers Do Nothing , which deals with young activists .


  1. Climate Warriors: After Greta, now meet Hilda. In: downtoearth.org.in. Retrieved October 26, 2019 .
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k Nakabuye Hilda Flavia, figure de l'écologie en Ouganda: "Greta Thunberg est mon inspiration". In: Ségolène Allemandou. France 24, accessed October 26, 2019 (French).
  3. a b Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, l'étudiante en grève pour sauver le lac Victoria. In: Marion Douet. Le Monde, accessed October 26, 2019 (French).
  4. ^ Prayers Do Nothing - A film about young activists worldwide. Retrieved January 14, 2020 .