Jodocus Andreas Hiltebrandt

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Jodocus Andreas Hiltebrandt (* 19th January 1667 in rail in Pomerania ; † 20th October 1746 in Stargard in Pomerania) was a German Lutheran theologian .

Hiltebrandt, son of the local pastor Konrad Karl Hiltebrandt (1629–1679), who was born in Szczecin , studied in Szczecin and Berlin as well as at the universities of Rostock and Frankfurt on the Oder . In 1692 he became Baccalaureus in Old Stettin and in 1694 early preacher in the Marienkirche in Stargard. In 1724 he became archdeacon .

Works (selection)

  • Directory of the shepherds according to God's heart, etc., of the city of New Stargard on the Ihna, in the two upper estates, from Ao. 1524-1724 . Old Szczecin 1724.


  • Johann Christoph Adelung: Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general lexicon of scholars . 2nd volume, Leipzig 1787, column 2012.

Individual evidence

  1. Christian Friedrich Wutstrack (Ed.): Addendum to the short historical-geographical-statistical description of the royal Prussian duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Stettin 1795, p. 292 .

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