Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia

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Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia
Alternative title Oh Gloria Inmarcesible
("Oh Immortal Glory")
Title in German National anthem of the Republic of Colombia
country ColombiaColombia Colombia
Usage period Oct. 28, 1920 - today
text Rafael Nuñez
melody Oreste Sindici
Sheet of music PDF
Audio files

The Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia is the official name for the national anthem of Colombia . She is often referred to as Oh Gloria Inmarcesible ("Oh immortal fame") because of her lyrics . However, this term is not officially in use. The anthem was declared the national anthem by Congress in November 1920 .


In 1887, Bogotá comedian José Domingo Torres combined two of his passions, theater music and a love of his country, to promote a national anthem for Colombia. He decided to use a poem as a text that the then President of Colombia , Rafael Núñez , who had also played a key role in shaping the Colombian constitution of 1886 , had written in memory of the city of Cartagena de Indias . Torres then asked his friend Oreste Sindici , an Italian opera teacher, to compose the music for it.

The hymn premiered in November 1887 in a music hall of the public school where Sindici taught. The hymn was officially approved by Congress in 1920 and an official transcription was made in 1946. The hymn is always performed starting with the choir, then with a verse, then with the chorus; any of the eleven verses can be used. A common feature of Latin American epic anthems like that of Colombia is that the music often resembles Italian operas.

On October 28, 1920 , Oh Gloria Inmarcesible was declared the national anthem by Law 33 on the National Symbols of Colombia . It was officially confirmed when the law was passed by then President Marco Fidel Suarez .

The Colombian national anthem consists of eleven stanzas and a refrain , but only the first stanza is sung on official occasions. According to a law, the national anthem must be broadcast daily at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. by all radio stations in the country.


¡Oh gloria inmarcesible! Oh immortal fame!
¡Oh júbilo inmortal! Oh eternal jubilation!
In surcos de dolores In the furrows of pain
El bien germina ya. the good soon germinates.



Cesó la horrible noche la libertad sublime
derrama las auroras de su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera, que entre cadenas gime,
comprende las palabras del que murió en la cruz.

The terrible night passed! Exalted freedom,
spreads the splendor of its invincible light.
All of humanity, languishing in chains,
follow the words of the one who died on the cross.


Independencia! grita el mundo americano;
se baña en sangre de herroes la tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio: "el Rey no es soberano"
resuena, y los que sufren bendicen su pasión.

Independence! calls the American world,
the land of Columbus is bathed in heroic blood,
The great principle: "The king no longer rules"
reverberates, and those who suffer bless their pain.


Del Orinoco el cauce se colma de despojos;
de sangre y llanto un río se mira allí correr.
En Bárbula no saben las almas ni los ojos,
si admiración o espanto sentir o padecer.

The Orinoco stream is filled with corpses;
A river of blood and tears can be seen flowing there.
In Barbula the souls and the eyes do not know
whether to feel admiration or to suffer horror.


A orillas del caribe hambriento un pueblo lucha,
Horrores prefiriendo a pérfida salud.
¡Oh, sí! de Cartagena la abnegación es mucha,
y escombros de la muerte desprecia su virtud.

A starved people are fighting on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, preferring
horrors to deceptive health.
Oh yeah! In Cartagena there is great willingness to make sacrifices,
and virtue despises impending death.


De Boyacá en los campos el genio de la gloria
con cada espiga un héroe invicto coronó.
Soldados sin coraza ganaron la victoria;
su varonil aliento de escudo les sirvió.

In Boyacá in the fields
, unbeaten heroes and their lances were crowned with glory.
Soldiers without breastplates thus deserved victory,
their masculine soul served as a shield.


Bolívar cruza el Andes que riega dos océanos;
espadas cual centellas fulguran en Junín.
Centauros indomables descienden a los llanos,
y empieza a presentirse de la epopeya el fin.

Bolivar crosses the Andes, which are bathed by two oceans;
Swords glow like sparks in Junín.
Unstoppable centaurs run down to the plains,
and the end of the epic can already be guessed at.


La trompa victoriosa en Ayacucho truena;
y en cada triunfo crece su formidable son.
En su expansivo empuje la libertad se estrena,
del cielo americano formando un pabellón.

The victorious horn blares in Ayacucho;
and every triumph swells its glorious sound.
In her expansive thrust, freedom is newly won
and the sky of America serves as her protection


La virgen sus cabellos arranca en agonía
y de su amor viuda los cuelga del ciprés.
Lamenta su esperanza que cubre loza fría,
pero glorioso orgullo circunda su alba tez.

The virgin, in her agony, tearing her hair out
and widowing her love, she hangs it on the cypress.
Regret for hope covers the gravestone of her love,
and yet glorious pride adorns her pure countenance.


La patria así se forma termópilas brotando;
constelación de cíclopes su noche iluminó.
La flor estremecida, mortal el viento hallando,
debajo los laureles seguridad buscó.

The fatherland is donated as with Thermopylae;
the constellation of the Cyclops lit up the night.
The shaken flower, afflicted by the deadly wind,
sought protection under the laurel trees.


Mas no es completa gloria vencer en la batalla,
que el brazo que combate lo anima la verdad.
La independencia sola al gran clamor no acalla;
si el sol alumbra a todos, justicia es libertad.

And yet glory is not complete by winning the battle,
the fighting arm is stimulated by the truth.
Independence alone does not satisfy great complaints;
when the sun shines on everyone, justice is freedom.


Del hombre los derechos Nariño predicando,
el alma de la lucha profético enseñó.
Ricaurte en San Mateo en átomos volando,
“deber antes que vida” con llamas escribió.

Nariño preached the rights of man,
like a prophet he announced the fight of the soul.
Ricaurte in San Mateo, exploded into a thousand pieces,
"Duty comes before life" he wrote with fire.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Colombia nationalanthems.info, accessed April 3, 2020 (en)
  2. Sobre adopción del Himno Nacional de Colombia suin-juriscol.gov.co retrieved (Spanish) March 31, 2010