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Opening of the source of the Hippocrene

Hippocrene ( Greek  Ἱπποκρήνη , Ἵππου κρήνη "Rossquelle") is the source that inspires poetry and is sacred to Apollo and the Muses . It is located below the east summit of the Helikon , west of the Agios Elias chapel. According to legend, it was created by a hoofbeat of Pegasus ridden by Bellerophon . A grove surrounded the spring and the way there was decorated with statues and monuments. It is still provided with an antique border today.

The Hippocrene is literally at the beginning of Greek mythology as it appears in the opening verses of Hesiod's theogony :

Let my song begin with the heliconical muses,
who dwell on the helicon's height , the sublime, holy one,
And around the bluish spring with gently gliding feet,
the dance at the altar of Zeus, the mighty ruler.
And after bathing the tender body in the Permessos
or in the holy flood of the Olmeios or in the Rossquell,
now arrange the round of
beautiful and lovely on the Helikon summit and take the step with a gently floating foot.



Web links

Commons : Hippocrene  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Hesiod Theogony 1-9. Translation after H. Gebhardt

Coordinates: 38 ° 19 '12.2 "  N , 23 ° 1' 52.2"  E