Hippolyte Panhard

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Adrien Hippolyte François Panhard (born May 5, 1870 in Hyères , Département Var ; † October 27, 1957 in Paris , France ) was a French entrepreneur and from 1908 to 1941 General Manager of the car manufacturer Panhard & Levassor .


Hippolyte Panhard is the son of the company's founder René Panhard . He began his professional career in the administration of Panhard & Levassor in 1891 and took over management of the company in 1908 after the death of his father. He was followed in 1941 by his cousin Paul Panhard . In March / April 1893, Hippolyte Panhard undertook the first long-distance tourist trip on the Paris- Nice route .

He had nine children with his wife Marguerite, née Michau.


A retirement home in Le Coudray-Montceaux is named after Hippolyte Panhard .

Individual evidence

  1. http://doyennes-panhard-levassor.fr/aujourdhui/
  2. http://gw.geneanet.org/acaillet?lang=fr&p=adrien+hippolyte+francois&n=panhard Genealogical data at geneanet.org, accessed on June 17, 2016
  3. https://etablissement-bienvieillir.cg91.fr/ugo_pa/Etbs/fiche/9b86192582/c4ca42381 Website of the Hippolyte Panhard retirement home, accessed on May 21, 2018