Historical Museum Lucerne

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Historical Museum Lucerne
historical Museum

The Lucerne Historical Museum was opened on May 23, 1986. The former armory is at the Pfistergasse in Lucerne .


The museum houses objects from the history of the city and canton of Lucerne as well as loot from various battles, such as the mail shirt of Duke Leopold von Habsburg , who fell in the battle of Sempach . In addition, various objects from everyday life can be seen as well as traditional costumes from the Angélique Sophie Panchaud de Bottens collection, formerly in the Utenberg Costume Museum.

History of the building

The building was built in 1567/1568 as the armory of the city and the state of Lucerne. It fulfilled this task until 1983. After three years of renovation, it was given to the population as a historical museum in 1986.

The first historical mention of an armory in Lucerne has been on record since 1430. Diebold Schilling the Younger , the author of the Lucerne Chronicle , depicted a building of similar basic dimensions at the location of today's historical museum around 1514, which could represent a previous building. The building was probably partially plastered and so stood out from the surrounding buildings.

Between 1546 and 1549, Italian stonemasons built a stone building, which was only used as an armory on the ground floor. The upper floor served as a granary. However, the building collapsed on July 16, 1566 after a violent flood. Since the weight of the grain was made partly responsible for the collapse, the armory and the granary were separated when the new building was built in 1569. Various renovations have been made since then. In particular, the major fire in Pfistergasse on April 7, 1691 made this necessary.

History of the museum

The first ideas for a museum existed as early as the 18th century where the armory was to be exhibited. However, it was only after the foundation of the Association of Five Places in 1843, when people began to collect historical information, that the question was discussed with the Canton of Lucerne. In 1866, the architect Alphons Pfyffer (architect of the Hotel National in Lucerne) proposed a new building. However, it wasn't until 1873 that the city council agreed to make the grain hall on the ground floor of the old town hall available for an exhibition.

Five years later, more rooms were left. From 1924 the museum occupied the entire Kornschütte . However, the discussion about other rooms, more space or other locations only came to a standstill with the move to the armory that was now available to the museum.

In 2003 the museum was rebuilt and a new concept introduced.

Individual evidence

  1. StALU Council Protocol 4, 156v.
  2. ^ Diebold Schilling Chronik, fol.64v, from 1513
  3. Spreng, Peter. Major fires in Lucerne. Lucerne 1966, 45f


  • The Historical Museum Luzern , Maihof Verlag, Luzern 1997, ISBN 3-9520756-4-7
  • Cysat Renward. Collecta Chronica . Arranged by Josef Schmid. Lucerne 1969
  • Horat, Heinz. Lucerne Old Armory - interior restoration . In: Yearbook of the Historical Society Lucerne 5 (1987), 43f.
  • Reinle, Adolf . The art monuments of the canton of Lucerne . Vol. III, Basel 1954

Web links

Commons : Historisches Museum Luzern  - Collection of pictures

Coordinates: 47 ° 3 '4.8 "  N , 8 ° 18' 6.6"  E ; CH1903:  665588  /  211505