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Hitlerike (or Hitlerine ) was a female given name derived from the family name Adolf Hitler .

Before it could become popular after Hitler came to power, it was declared inadmissible by a circular issued by the Prussian Ministry of the Interior on July 3, 1933 as "undesirable to the Chancellor". First names already registered with reference to Hitler have been canceled.

In Austria , the registration of family names as first names was already forbidden in the summer of 1932 with reference to names such as Hitlerine and Hitler .


Web links

  • Susanne Beyer: Stalina and Hitlerike . In: Der Spiegel . No. 11 , 1999, p. 284-285 ( Online - Mar. 15, 1999 ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Zeitschrift für Standesamtwesen (StAZ), Berlin, 13th year 1933, p. 230 Prussia. Choice of first names - RdErl. D. MdJ. v. July 3, 1933 - IB 22/80 ; other countries followed a little later: Thuringia General ruling on the choice of first names - 17 July 1933 , p. 253; Saxony Entry of first names - August 17th , p. 284; Anhalt Choice of first names - September 22 , p. 314 [Name of the Reich Chancellor for male newborns]. Again for the German Reich : choice of first names - RdErl. Des RuPrMdJ from June 8th, 1937 - IB 3/228 "the name of the Führer and Reich Chancellor [may] not be entered as a first name in the register of civil status" June 1937, p. 201)
  2. Zeitschrift für Standesamtwesen, 13th year 1933, p. 392 Oldenburg - settlement of first names - 11/29/33 (“The registrars therefore have to refuse to enter the word 'Hitler' as a first name. If such a name is already entered, it is a correction of the register ").
  3. Austria to control names of children , in New York Times August 14, 1932, p. E4 (“Among those forbidden ist that of Hitler”, “it cannot […] be permitted that existing surnames should be given to children as Christian names "," To prevent Catholic Austria being overrun by a wave of little Hitler Schmidts, Hitlerine Brauns or Wotan Meiers ").