Holy Great Martyr Dimitri (Domrke)

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The Church of St. Dimitri the Great Martyr ( Serbian Црква светог великомученика Димитрија Crkva svetog velikomučenika Dimitrija ) in Domrke , a village in the Opštodoxina Gacko , is a Serbian-Orthodox Church in the south-west of Bosnia and Herzegovina .

The church, built according to popular belief in the 13th century, is a branch church of the parish Gacko II in the dean's office of Mostar - Nevesinje of the Zahumlje-Herzegovina- eparchy and coastal country of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The church is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Dimitri .


The church is in the 44-inhabitant village of Domrke in the Opština Gacko in the south- east of Herzegovina . Domrke is located about 25 km northwest of the municipality capital Gacko on the rocky area of Gatačka površ . Around the church is the Serbian-Orthodox cemetery at Domrke from the Middle Ages .

History and architecture

The Church of St. Dimitri the Great Martyr is one of the oldest churches in the Gacko commune and in the whole of Eastern Herzegovina. The church is a single nave stone church building with an altar - apse in the east and a bell tower in the west above the entrance. The church is built in the typical church style of eastern Herzegovina, Dalmatia and Montenegro .

According to tradition, King Stefan Nemanjić, the first -married, founded the village and had the village church of St. Dimitri built at the behest of his brother, St. Sava of Serbia , the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church. After the defeat and the loss of the royal crown in the battle on Gatačko polje , King Stefan Uroš I was buried in the church in 1276. The church was destroyed and rebuilt several times in its history. According to archaeological studies, the church was extensively renewed or reconstructed in 1883. Remains of an older, but not as old as claimed church were found under its foundations. Most recently, the Church of St. Dimitri was renovated in 2001 and consecrated by the Eparchen of the Eparchy Grigorije (Durić).

supporting documents

Coordinates: 43 ° 14 ′ 32 "  N , 18 ° 25 ′ 45.4"  E