Holger A. Klein

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Holger A. Klein (* 1971 ) is a German art historian .


After attending the Fürst-Johann-Ludwig-Schule in Hadamar , Holger Klein studied art history , Christian archeology and German studies at the Universities of Freiburg (1990–1992), Munich (1992–1993; 1994–1997), London (1993–1994 ) and Bonn (1997-2000). In 2000 he received his doctorate with a thesis on the relics and reliquaries of the cross of Christ .

Since 2000 he has been teaching art history at Columbia University in New York , first as an assistant professor , since 2006 as an associate professor , and since 2011 as a professor. In addition, he was curator for medieval art at the Cleveland Museum of Art from 2004 to 2007 , where he led the reorganization of the medieval department until 2010.

His research area is the art of late antiquity , Byzantium and the early Middle Ages, especially the handling of relics and reliquaries and artistic exchange.

Publications (selection)

  • Byzantium, the West and the “true” cross. The history of a relic and its artistic version in Byzantium and in the West (= Late Antiquity - Early Christianity - Byzantium. Art in the First Millennium, Series B: Studies and Perspectives, Volume 17). Reichert, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 978-3-89500-316-5 .
  • with Robert G. Ousterhout (Ed.): Restoring Byzantium. The Kariye Camii in Istanbul and the Byzantine Institute Restoration . New York 2004.
  • with Stephen Fliegel, V. Brilliant (Ed.): The Cleveland Museum of Art. Masterpieces from 300 to 1550 , Munich 2007.
  • with Robert G. Ousterhout, Brigitte Pitarakis (Ed.): Kariye. From Theodore Metochites to Thomas Whittemore. One Monument - Two Monumental Personalities . Istanbul 2007.
  • with M. Bagnoli, CG Mann, J. Robinson (Eds.): Treasures of Heaven. Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe . Baltimore Baltimore 2010
  • with Robert G. Ousterhout, Brigitte Pitarakis (Ed.): The Kariye Camii Reconsidered . Istanbul 2011.
  • with Cynthia Hahn (Ed.): Saints and Sacred Matter. The Cult of Relics in Byzantium and Beyond . Washington DC 2015.
  • with Valeria Poletto, Peter Schreiner (ed.): La stauroteca di Bessarione fra Costantinopoli e Venezia . Venice 2017.

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