Homeric world

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Homeric world , sometimes The Odyssey is an opera - tetralogy of composer August Bungert .

All the libretti are from him . Enthusiastic about ancient Greece (including Heinrich Schliemann ), he wanted to surpass his colleague Richard Wagner and his The Ring of the Nibelung and create a monumental hexalogy with his odyssey . The plan remained fragmentary as Bungert could only complete four parts.

In Bungert's catalog raisonné , the Homeric world is listed as “op. 30 “(1–4). Their first performance experienced this cycle from 1898 to 1903 by Ernst von Schuch at the Court Theater at Dresden .


  • Homeric world .
  1. Kirke . Music tragedy in three acts . With the prelude “Polyphemos”. (Premiere 1898)
  2. Nausicaa . Music tragedy in three acts . With the prelude "The Sirens and Odysseus' stranding". (WP 1901)
  3. Odysseus' homecoming . Music tragedy in three acts . With the prelude "Telemachos' exit". (Premiere 1896)
  4. Odysseus' death . Music tragedy in three acts . With the prelude “Telegonos' Farewell”. (WP 1903)


  • August Bungert: Kirke. Music tragedy in three acts . Publisher Leede, Leipzig 1897.
  • August Bungert: Nausicaa. Music tragedy in three acts . Leede Publishing House, Leipzig 1902.
  • August Bungert: Odysseus' homecoming. Music tragedy in three acts . Publisher Leede, Leipzig 1896.
  • August Bungert: Odysseus' death. Music tragedy in three acts . Leede Publishing House, Leipzig 1902.
  • William Foster Apthorp: the opera, past and present. An historical sketch . Books for Libraries Press, Freeport, New York 1972, ISBN 0-8369-6870-0 , p. 204 (reprint of the New York edition, 1901).